MATLAB and Simulink Training

Code Generation for Classic AUTOSAR Software Components

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Course Details

This two-day course discusses Classic AUTOSAR-compliant modeling and code generation using AUTOSAR Blockset. Workflows for top-down and bottom-up software development approaches are discussed in the context of Model-Based Design. This course is intended for automotive industry software developers and systems engineers who use Embedded Coder for automatic C/C++ code generation. Topics include:
  • Generating Simulink models from existing ARXML system descriptions
  • Configuring Simulink models for AUTOSAR compliant code generation
  • Configuring AUTOSAR communication elements in a Simulink model
  • Modeling AUTOSAR events in Simulink
  • Creating calibration parameters
  • Modeling AUTOSAR variation points within software components
  • Importing and exporting AUTOSAR compositions and software architectures
  • Modeling calls to basic software services

Day 1 of 2

Importing AUTOSAR Software Components

Objective: Import existing ARXML files to automatically generate Simulink models with correct architecture and interfaces.

  • AUTOSAR XML (ARXML) description
  • Importing AUTOSAR software components
  • Array and enumeration data types
  • Adding functionality to generated Simulink models
  • Simulating with a harness model
  • AUTOSAR code generation
  • Structure and fixed-point data types
  • Managing imported data types in Simulink
  • Importing modified ARXML files

Exporting AUTOSAR Software Components

Objective: Configure Simulink models as AUTOSAR software components and define AUTOSAR ports and interfaces for ARXML generation.

  • Creating AUTOSAR Components
  • Mapping Simulink model objects to AUTOSAR software components
  • Generating code and exporting ARXML files

Modeling AUTOSAR Ports and Interfaces

Objective: Configure Simulink Inport and Outport blocks as various types AUTOSAR ports.

  • AUTOSAR Communication overview (ports and interfaces)
  • Modeling sender-receiver communication
  • Modeling AUTOSAR modes
  • Modeling client-server communication

Modeling AUTOSAR Events

Objective: Model periodic and non-periodic AUTOSAR events in Simulink models.

  • AUTOSAR events overview
  • Simulating events in Simulink models
  • Timing (periodic) events
  • Nonperiodic events overview
  • Modeling data received events
  • Modeling mode switch events
  • Triggering initialization
  • Simulating nonperiodic events

Modeling Calibration Parameters and Per-Instance Memory

Objective: Specify AUTOSAR calibration parameters and per-instance memory in a Simulink model using data objects and code mappings.

  • Modeling calibration parameters provided by parameter SWCs
  • Modeling internal calibration parameters: shared by all instances
  • Modeling internal calibration parameters: separate copy for each instance
  • Modeling per-instance memory

Day 2 of 2

Modeling AUTOSAR Variants

Objective: Configure a variant-based design within an AUTOSAR software component, and map Simulink variants to AUTOSAR variation points.

  • Creating variant subsystems in rate-based models
  • Generating AUTOSAR variants

Modeling AUTOSAR Compositions and Software Architecture

Objective: Create an AUTOSAR software architecture design, and populate it with working AUTOSAR software components and compositions.

  • Creating AUTOSAR software architectures and compositions
  • Generating AUTOSAR software components
  • Exporting AUTOSAR compositions and software components
  • Simulating AUTOSAR software architecture models
  • Importing AUTOSAR compositions
  • Generating code for reusable software components

Modeling Basic Software Services

Objective: Configure AUTOSAR software components to read and write diagnostic statuses and manage non-volatile RAMs.

  • Basic software services overview
  • Setting diagnostic statuses
  • Monitoring diagnostic statuses
  • Reading and writing NVRAM
  • Monitoring NVRAM

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 2 days

Languages: Deutsch, English, 中文, 한국어

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