Video length is 32:22

A Stand-Alone Open-Source MATLAB Program for Sequence Stratigraphic and Chronostratigraphic Analysis of Geological Data

Dr. Adewale Amosu, Texas A&M University and San Jacinto College
Dr. Yuefeng Sun, Texas A&M University

Sequence stratigraphy investigates the order in which depositionally-related stratal successions or time-rock units were laid down in the available space or accommodation. Chronostratigraphy tracks the sequence of deposition and changes in the character of sedimentary deposits in geologic time. Interpreted surfaces are considered as snapshots of geologic time and chronostratigraphic charts or wheeler diagrams are tools used to depict time stratigraphy by flattening the interpreted surfaces.

Historically, numerous sequence stratigraphy schools of thought or methodologies with distinctly different hiatial surfaces and depositional cyclicities have been proposed. In addition to the confusing terminology created by this, existing software for sequence stratigraphy are not open-source and can’t be applied to outcrop image data. It is therefore important to develop open-source software that can navigate the multiple frameworks of the different methodologies and that can incorporate outcrop image data.

We have developed WheelerLab, a stand-alone open-source interactive program that facilitates the sequence stratigraphic and chronostratigraphic analysis of geological data (seismic sections, outcrop data and well-sections). WheelerLab adds some important functionalities not present in commercially available software: it can be used for analysis within the framework of multiple sequence stratigraphy methodologies; it incorporates new types of data including outcrop images and interpreted well-sections; and it generates a dynamic chronostratigraphic section. The program enables multiple methodologies by giving the user flexible interpretational control over the transformation. The program generates dynamic wheeler diagram that sequentially depicts the evolution of the chronostratigraphic chronosomes concurrently with the evolution of interpreted genetic stratal packages. WheelerLab can also be used to create synthetic sequence stratigraphic sections and the corresponding synthetic chronostratigraphic sections.

Published: 23 Nov 2020