Design and Verify RF Transceivers for Radar Systems - MATLAB
Video length is 57:15

Design and Verify RF Transceivers for Radar Systems

In this webinar, you will learn how to design and simulate a radar RF transceiver using MATLAB® and Simulink® products. Several aspects of modeling and simulating radar systems are covered, including:
• Waveform and test bench creation using Communications Toolbox™, DSP System Toolbox™, and Phased Array System Toolbox™
• Top-down design of the radar receiver architecture and progressive refinement of the RF specifications
• Simulating ultra-wideband FMCW signals in the RF domain for range and Doppler estimation
• Evaluating simulation speed and modeling fidelity tradeoffs using equivalent baseband and circuit envelope simulation techniques
• Estimating the impact of the RF front end, including S-parameters, noise, and nonlinearity, on the overall system performance

About the Presenter: Dr. Giorgia Zucchelli is the product marketing manager for RF and mixed-signal at MathWorks. Before moving to this role in 2012, she spent three years as an application engineer focusing on signal processing and communications systems and specializing in analog simulation. Before joining MathWorks in 2009, Giorgia worked at NXP Semiconductors on mixed-signal verification methodologies and at Philips Research developing system-level models for innovative telecommunication systems. Giorgia has a master’s degree in electronic engineering and a doctorate in electronics for telecommunications from the University of Bologna. Her thesis dealt with modeling high-frequency RF devices.

Recorded: 20 Aug 2013

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