FlightGear Preconfigured 6DoF Animation
Connect model to FlightGear flight simulator
Aerospace Blockset /
Animation /
Flight Simulator Interfaces
The FlightGear Preconfigured 6DoF Animation
block lets you drive position and attitude values to a FlightGear
flight simulator vehicle given double-precision values for longitude
), latitude (μ),
altitude (h
), roll (ϕ),
pitch (θ), and yaw (ψ), respectively.
The block is configured as a sim viewing device. If you generate code for your model using Simulink® Coder™ and connect to the running target code using external mode simulation, Simulink software can obtain the data from the target on the fly and transmit position and attitude data to FlightGear. For more information, see Use C/C++ S-Functions as Sim Viewing Devices in External Mode.
The Aerospace Blockset™ product supports FlightGear versions starting from v2.6. If you are using a FlightGear version older than 2.6, the model displays a notification from the Simulink Upgrade Advisor. Consider using the Upgrade Advisor to upgrade your FlightGear version. For more information, see Supported FlightGear Versions.
The block is a masked subsystem containing principally a Pack net_fdm Packet for FlightGear block set for 6DoF inputs, a Send net_fdm Packet to FlightGear block, and a Simulation Pace block. To access the full capabilities of these blocks, use the individual corresponding blocks from the Aerospace Blockset library.
[1] Bowditch, N., American Practical Navigator, An Epitome of Navigation. US Navy Hydrographic Office, 1802.
Version History
Introduced before R2006a