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Numerical orbit propagator options

Since R2024a


    Options used by numerical orbit propagator


    You can create Aero.satelliteScenario.NumericalPropagatorOptions objects using the numericalPropagator function of a satelliteScenario object.


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    Ordinary differential equation (ODE) solver used by the numerical orbit propagator, specified as "ode45", "ode23", "ode78", "ode89", "ode113", "ode15s", "ode23s","ode23t", or "ode23tb".

    Options structure for ODE solver, specified as a structure returned by odeset function.

    Data Types: struct

    Gravitational potential model of Earth, specified as "spherical-harmonics", "point-mass", or "oblate-ellipsoid".

    Spherical harmonic model of gravitational potential of the Earth, specified as 'EGM2008', 'EGM96', or 'EIGENGL04C'.


    To use this property, GravitationalPotentialModel must be set to 'spherical-harmonics'.

    Spherical harmonic degree of gravitational potential of the Earth, specified as a scalar.


    To use this property, SphericalHarmonicModel must be set to 'spherical-harmonics'.

    Data Types: double

    Option to indicate whether propagator must account for atmospheric drag, specified as false or true. When set to true, the propagator calculates atmospheric drag based on the NRLMSISE-00 model for atmospheric density.

    Option to use MAT file containing consolidated space weather data file in atmospheric density calculation, specified as false or true. For more information on how to generate this MAT file, see aeroReadSpaceWeatherData.


    To use this property, IncludeAtmosDrag must be set to true.

    MAT file containing consolidated space weather data file in atmospheric density calculation, specified as a character vector or string. See aeroReadSpaceWeatherData for more information on how to generate this MAT file.


    To use this property, IncludeAtmosDrag and UseSpaceWeatherDataFile must be set to true.

    Method used for extrapolating F10.7 solar flux for times outside range of space weather data file, specified as one of these values:

    • 'none-clip' — F10.7 value is set to the nearest data point available in the space weather data file.

    • 'constant' — F10.7 value is set to a constant value specified by the F107ExtrapValue property.

    • 'least-squares-fit' — F10.7 value is approximated using a least-squares fit of the space weather data from October 1, 1957, to December 1, 2040, using the trigonometric function a+bcos(ct + dsin(et)).


    To use this property, IncludeAtmosDrag and UseSpaceWeatherDataFile must be set to true.

    Extrapolation value for the F10.7 solar flux, specified as a nonnegative scalar.


    To use this property:

    • IncludeAtmosDrag, and UseSpaceWeatherDataFile must be set to true.

    • 'F107ExtrapMethod' must be set to 'constant'.

    • scenario simulation time must be outside the range of the data in the space weather data file.

    Centered 81-day average value of the F10.7 solar flux, specified as a nonnegative scalar.


    To use this property:

    • IncludeAtmosDrag must be set to true

    • UseSpaceWeatherDataFile must be set to false.

    Daily value of the F10.7 solar flux, specified as a nonnegative scalar.


    To use this property:

    • IncludeAtmosDrag must be set to true

    • UseSpaceWeatherDataFile must be set to false

    Method used for extrapolating magnetic index for times outside range of space weather data file, specified as one of these values:

    • 'none-clip' — Magnetic index is set to the nearest data point available in the space weather data file.

    • 'constant' — Magnetic index is set to a constant value specified by the MagneticIndexExtrapValue property.

    • 'igrf' — Magnetic index is calculated using International Geomagnetic Reference Field. Because this model is defined for times between January 1, 1900, 12:00 AM UTC and January 1, 2025, 12:00 AM UTC, the predictions for times outside this range are clipped to values at these time limits.


    To use this property, IncludeAtmosDrag must be set to true.

    Extrapolation value for the magnetic index, specified as a nonnegative scalar.


    To use this property:

    • MagneticIndexExtrapMethod is set to 'constant'.

    • IncludeAtmosDrag and UseSpaceWeatherDataFile must be set to true.

    Magnetic index information, specified as a 7-element row vector. This value consists of magnetic index representing a daily value (AP), 3-hour AP for a reference time, 3-hour AP for three hours before the reference time, 3-hour AP for six hours before the reference time, 3-hour AP for nine hours before the reference time, average of eight 3-hour AP indices from 12 to 33 hours prior to the reference time, and average of eight 3-hour AP indices from 36 to 57 hours prior to the reference time. This vector is constant for the entire orbit propagation.


    To use this property:

    • UseSpaceWeatherDataFile must be set to false.

    • IncludeAtmosDrag must be true.

    Option to specify whether anomalous oxygen must be included in atmospheric mass density calculation, specified as true or false.


    To use this property, IncludeAtmosDrag must be set to true.

    Option to activate or deactivate particular variations in atmospheric mass density calculation, specified as an double vector of 23 elements. The elements are defined in this order.

    AtmosFlags elements


    F10.7 effect on mean


    Independent of time


    Symmetrical annual


    Symmetrical semiannual


    Asymmetrical annual


    Asymmetrical semiannual






    Daily AP. If you set this value to -1, the atmospheric mass density computation uses the entire magnetic index information that includes the 3-hour averages, as opposed to just the daily value.


    All UT seconds, longitudinal effects




    UT seconds and mixed UT seconds, longitudinal


    Mixed AP, UT seconds, longitudinal




    Departures from diffusive equilibrium


    All exospheric temperature variations


    All variations from 120,000 meter temperature (TLB)


    All lower thermosphere (TN1) temperature variations


    All 120,000 meter gradient (S) variations


    All upper stratosphere (TN2) temperature variations


    All variations from 120,000 meter values (ZLB)


    All lower mesosphere temperature (TN3) variations


    Turbopause scale height variations

    With the exception of element 9 (daily AP), the elements are specified as 0 or 1. Element 9 is specified as -1, 0 or 1.


    To use this property, IncludeAtmosDrag must be set to true.

    Option to include third body gravity, specified as false or true.The third body gravity sources are assumed to be point masses.

    Third body gravity source, specified as a string containing a combination of 'sun', 'moon', 'mercury', 'venus', 'mars', 'jupiter', 'saturn', 'uranus', 'neptune', or 'pluto'.


    To use this property, IncludeThirdBodyGravity must be set to true.

    Option to include solar radiation pressure, specified as false (0) or true (1).

    Solar flux pressure acting on the satellite, specified as a nonnegative scalar, in W*s/m3.


    To use this property, IncludeSRP must be set to true.

    Data Types: double

    Eclipse model used in solar radiation pressure computation, specified as 'dual-cone' or 'cylindrical'.


    To use this property, IncludeSRP must be set to true.

    Option to include lunar eclipse in solar radiation pressure calculation, specified as false or true.


    To use this property, IncludeSRP must be set to true.

    Celestial body ephemeris model used in the computation of third body gravity and solar radiation pressure, specified as one of these ephemerides defined by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory:

    • 'de405' — Released in 1998. This ephemerides takes into account the Julian date range 2305424.50 (December 9, 1599) to 2525008.50 (February 20, 2201).

    • 'de421' — Released in 2008. This ephemerides takes into account the Julian date range 2414992.5 (December 4, 1899) to 2469808.5 (January 2, 2050).

    • 'de423' — Released in 2010. This ephemerides takes into account the Julian date range 2378480.5 (December 16, 1799) to 2524624.5 (February 1, 2200).

    • 'de430' — Released in 2013. This ephemerides takes into account the Julian date range 2287184.5 (December 21, 1549) to 2688976.5 (January 25, 2650).

    • 'de432t' — Released in April 2014. This ephemerides takes into account the Julian date range 2287184.5, (December 21, 1549 ) to 2688976.5, (January 25, 2650).


    To use this property, IncludeThirdBodyGravity and IncludeSRP must be set to true.

    Data Types: string

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a