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Return information about mzXML file


InfoStruct = mzxmlinfo(File)
InfoStruct = mzxmlinfo(File, 'NumOfLevels', NumOfLevelsValue)

Input Arguments


Character vector or string containing a file name, or a path and file name, of an mzXML file that conforms to the mzXML 2.1 specification or earlier specifications.

If you specify only a file name, that file must be on the MATLAB® search path or in the current folder.


Controls the return of NumOfLevels, an additional field in InfoStruct, that contains the number of mass spectrometry (MS) levels of spectra in File. Choices are true or false (default).

Output Arguments


MATLAB structure containing information from an mzXML file. It includes the fields shown in the table below.


InfoStruct = mzxmlinfo(File) returns a MATLAB structure, InfoStruct, containing summary information about an mzXML file, File.

File is a character vector or string containing a file name, or a path and file name, of an mzXML file. The file must conform to the mzXML 2.1 specification or earlier specifications. For more information on the mzXML format, see

InfoStruct includes the following fields.


Name of the mzXML file.


Modification date of the file.


Size of the file in bytes.


Number of scans in the file.*


Run start time.*


Run end time.*


Minimum mass/charge (m/z) intensity value.*


Indicates if data is centroided.*


Indicates if data is deisotoped.*

DataProcessing ChargeDeconvoluted

Indicates if data is deconvoluted.*


For LC/MALDI experiments, indicates if peaks eluting over multiple spots have been integrated into a single spot.*

* — These fields contain N/A if the mzXML file does not include the associated attributes. The associated attributes are optional in the mzXML file, per the mzXML 2.1 specification.

InfoStruct = mzxmlinfo(File, 'NumOfLevels', NumOfLevelsValue) controls the return of NumOfLevels, an additional field in mzXMLInfo, that contains the number of mass spectrometry levels of spectra in File. Choices are true or false (default).



In the following example, the file results.mzxml is not provided. Sample mzXML files can be found at:

Return a MATLAB structure containing summary information about an mzXML file.

info = mzxmlinfo('results.mzxml');

info = 

                            Filename: 'results.mzxml'
                         FileModDate: '07-May-2008 13:39:12'
                            FileSize: 10607
                       NumberOfScans: 2
                           StartTime: 'PT0.00683333S'
                             EndTime: 'PT200.036S'
       DataProcessingIntensityCutoff: 'N/A'
            DataProcessingCentroided: 'false'
            DataProcessingDeisotoped: 'N/A'
    DataProcessingChargeDeconvoluted: 'N/A'
       DataProcessingSpotIntegration: 'N/A'

Return a MATLAB structure containing summary information, including the number of mass spectrometry levels, about an mzXML file.

info = mzxmlinfo('results.mzxml','numoflevels',true);

info = 

                            Filename: 'results.mzxml'
                         FileModDate: '07-May-2008 13:39:12'
                            FileSize: 10607
                       NumberOfScans: 2
                           StartTime: 'PT0.00683333S'
                             EndTime: 'PT200.036S'
       DataProcessingIntensityCutoff: 'N/A'
            DataProcessingCentroided: 'false'
            DataProcessingDeisotoped: 'N/A'
    DataProcessingChargeDeconvoluted: 'N/A'
       DataProcessingSpotIntegration: 'N/A'
                    NumberOfMSLevels: 2

Version History

Introduced in R2008b

See Also