Choose Specific Bug Finder Defect Checkers
You can check your C/C++ code using the predefined subsets of defect checkers in Bug Finder. However, you can also customize which defects to check for during the analysis.
You can use a spreadsheet to keep track of the defect checkers that you enable and add
notes explaining why you do not enable the other checkers. A spreadsheet of checkers is
provided in
Here, polyspaceroot
is the Polyspace® installation folder, such as polyspaceroot
User Interface (Desktop Products Only)
On the Configuration pane, select Bug Finder Analysis.
From the Find defects menu, select a set of defects. The options are:
for the default list of defects. This list contains defects that are applicable to most coding projects.See Polyspace Bug Finder Defects Checkers Enabled by Default.
for all defects.CWE
for defects related to CWE coding standard.For more information, see CWE Coding Standard Coverage Using Polyspace.
to add defects to the default list or remove defects from it.
To standardize the bug finding across your organization, you can save your list of defect checkers as a configuration template and share with others. See Create Project in Polyspace Desktop User Interface Using Configuration Template.
Command Line
Use the option Find defects
. Specify a comma-separated list of checkers as
arguments. For instance, to run a Bug Finder analysis on a server with only the data
race checkers enabled, enter:
polyspace-bug-finder-server -sources filename -checkers DATA_RACE,DATA_RACE_STD_LIB