Generate Code for MATLAB Handle Classes and System Objects
This example shows how to generate code for a user-defined System object™ and then view the generated code in the code generation report.
In a writable folder, create a System object,
, which subclasses frommatlab.System
. Save the code asAddOne.m
.classdef AddOne < matlab.System % ADDONE Compute an output value that increments the input by one methods (Access=protected) % stepImpl method is called by the step method function y = stepImpl(~,x) y = x+1; end end end
Write a function that uses this System object.
function y = testAddOne(x) %#codegen p = AddOne(); y = p.step(x); end
Generate a MEX function for this code.
codegen -report testAddOne -args {0}
option instructscodegen
to generate a code generation report, even if no errors or warnings occur. The-args
option specifies that thetestAddOne
function takes one scalar double input.Click the View report link.
In the MATLAB Source pane, click
. To see information about the variables intestAddOne
, click the Variables tab.To view the class definition for
, in the MATLAB Source pane, clickAddOne