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Equalize BSPK Signal

Equalize a BPSK signal using a linear equalizer with a least mean square (LMS) algorithm.

Generate random binary data and apply BPSK modulation.

M = 2;
data = randi([0 1],1000,1);
modData = pskmod(data,M);

Apply two-tap static fading to the modulated signal and add AWGN noise.

rxSig = conv(modData,[0.02+0.5i 0.05]);
rxSig = awgn(rxSig,30);

Create a linear equalizer System object™ configured to use the LMS adaptive algorithm, 8 taps, 0.1 step size, and the 4th tap as the reference tap. Set the constellation to match the modulation of the transmitted signal.

lineq = comm.LinearEqualizer( ...
    NumTaps=8, ...
    StepSize=0.1, ...
    Constellation=complex([-1 1]), ...
lineq = 
  comm.LinearEqualizer with properties:

                Algorithm: 'LMS'
                  NumTaps: 8
                 StepSize: 0.1000
            Constellation: [-1.0000 + 0.0000i 1.0000 + 0.0000i]
             ReferenceTap: 4
               InputDelay: 0
    InputSamplesPerSymbol: 1
    TrainingFlagInputPort: false
       AdaptAfterTraining: true
     InitialWeightsSource: 'Auto'
       WeightUpdatePeriod: 1

Equalize the received signal, rxSig. Use the first 200 data bits as a training sequence. Display a constellation diagram showing the received signal before and after equalization.

trSeq = modData(1:200);
[eqSig,err] = lineq(rxSig,trSeq);

constdiag = comm.ConstellationDiagram( ...
    NumInputPorts=2, ...
    ChannelNames={'Before equalization','After equalization'}, ...
    ReferenceConstellation=pskmod([0 M-1],M));

Plot the magnitude of the error estimate. As shown by the decrease and stabilizing of the error signal, the equalization converges in less than 200 bits.

title('Error Estimate')
ylabel('Amplitude (V)')