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Generate Signals on Both Analog and Digital Channels

This example shows how to generate signals when the DataAcquisition object contains both analog and digital channels.

Discover NI™ devices connected to your system and find the ID for the NI 6255.

d = daqlist("ni")
dev =

  3×4 table

    DeviceID                Description                  Model             DeviceInfo       
    ________    ___________________________________    __________    _______________________

     "Dev1"     "National Instruments(TM) USB-6255"    "USB-6255"    [1×1]
     "Dev2"     "National Instruments(TM) USB-6363"    "USB-6363"    [1×1]

Create a DataAcquisition and add two digital output lines from port 0 on Dev1.

d = daq("ni");

Add an analog output channel from Dev1, then view all channels.

ans = 

    Index    Type     Device       Channel         Measurement Type             Range                  Name       
    _____    _____    ______    _____________    _____________________    __________________    __________________

      1      "dio"    "Dev1"    "port0/line0"    "OutputOnly"             "n/a"                 "Dev1_port0/line0"
      2      "dio"    "Dev1"    "port0/line1"    "OutputOnly"             "n/a"                 "Dev1_port0/line1"
      3      "ao"     "Dev1"    "ao0"            "Voltage (SingleEnd)"    "-10 to +10 Volts"    "Dev1_ao0"

Output a single scan of data on both the digital and analog channels.

write(d, [decimalToBinaryVector(2), 1.23])