Retrieve Data Using Bloomberg Hypermedia
This example shows how to connect to the Bloomberg® Hypermedia service from Datafeed Toolbox™ and then create a universe of securities, a field list, and a trigger to schedule a data request. You then create a data request and retrieve the data. For details about Bloomberg Hypermedia API (HAPI), see Bloomberg HAPI Documentation.
Connect to Bloomberg Hypermedia
Access the Hypermedia service after obtaining a data license from Bloomberg. For details on getting a license, see Bloomberg Data License. After receiving the user credentials information, insert the credentials into a string variable and connect to the data server using the MATLAB® Command Window.
credentialsString = '{"client_id":"89beaeab724bbdf5e186b733c58af2","client_secret":"77050429aee81eb31793fb10fa4301c54911db545de8b2990252ffe2b56b11","name":"BloombergHAIDevelopment","scopes":["eap","beapData","reportingapi"],"expiration_date":1699198358934,"created_date":1651764758934}'
c = bloombergHypermedia(credentialsString)
c = bloombergHypermedia with properties: TimeOut: 200.00
MATLAB returns c
as the connection to the service with
the Bloomberg Hypermedia session object, bloombergHypermedia
and a request timeout period of 200 seconds (default). You can set the
value, a public property, as well as private
properties by using input arguments with the bloombergHypermedia
Create Universe of Securities
Creating a universe of securities requires two steps. First, using definitions from Bloomberg Hypermedia API, create a payload structure that defines the universe. For this example, the universe holds historical data for US Equity securities.
universePayload.type = "Universe"; universePayload.identifier = "u" + bloombergHypermedia.generateResourcePostfix; universePayload.title = "Test Universe " + string(datetime); universePayload.description = "Test historical data universe - ZYX, WVU"; universePayload.contains{1}.type = "Identifier"; universePayload.contains{1}.identifierType = "TICKER"; universePayload.contains{1}.identifierValue = "ZYX US Equity"; universePayload.contains{2}.type = "Identifier"; universePayload.contains{2}.identifierType = "TICKER"; universePayload.contains{2}.identifierValue = "WVU US Equity"
Then create the universe by using the createUniverse
function. Replace the "123" argument in this example for
with your Bloomberg user ID. The function outputs the universe ID and a response
message that confirms the creation of the universe.
userCatalog = "123";
[universeID,response] = createUniverse(c,userCatalog,universePayload)
universeID = "u202303211124440adc42" response = ResponseMessage with properties: StatusLine: 'HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED' StatusCode: Created Header: [1×15] Body: [1×1] Completed: 0
Create Field List
Next, create a payload structure that holds all of the data fields that you want to request.
fieldListPayload.type = "DataFieldListMR"; % add unique identifier for request fieldListPayload.identifier = "fieldList" + bloombergHypermedia.generateResourcePostfix; % add title fieldListPayload.title = "Test Data Field List " + string(datetime); % add description of list fieldListPayload.description = "Test data field list: pxAsk, pxLast, idBbGlobal"; % add the fields to retrieve in subsequent data requests fieldListPayload.contains{1}.id = ""; fieldListPayload.contains{2}.id = ""; fieldListPayload.contains{3}.id = ""; fieldListPayload.contains{4}.id = "";
Then create the field list by using the createFieldList
function. The function outputs the field list ID and a response message that
confirms the creation of the field list.
[fieldListID,response] = createFieldList(c,userCatalog,fieldListPayload)
fieldListID = "fieldList20230321112611f7f580" response = ResponseMessage with properties: StatusLine: 'HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED' StatusCode: Created Header: [1×15] Body: [1×1] Completed: 0
Create Trigger to Schedule Request
To schedule your data request, you must create a trigger. First, create a payload structure that holds the trigger parameters. This trigger is for a pricing snapshot that occurs every day at 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time starting on June 24, 2022.
triggerPayload.type = "PricingSnapshotTrigger"; triggerPayload.identifier = "dailySnap5PM"; triggerPayload.title = "Daily 5 PM snapshot"; triggerPayload.description = "Daily job for 5 PM snapshot"; triggerPayload.snapshotTime = "17:00:00"; triggerPayload.snapshotTimeZoneName = "America/New_York"; triggerPayload.snapshotDate = "2022-06-24"; triggerPayload.frequency = "daily";
Then create the trigger by using the createTrigger
function, which outputs a trigger ID and a response message that confirms the
creation of the trigger.
[triggerID,response] = createTrigger(c,userCatalog,triggerPayload)
triggerID = "dailySnap5PM" response = ResponseMessage with properties: StatusLine: 'HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED' StatusCode: Created Header: [1×15] Body: [1×1] Completed: 0
Create Data Request
Create a payload structure that holds information about the request. This example uses additional options from the Hypermedia API to define a historical request.
requestID = "r" + bloombergHypermedia.generateResourcePostfix; requestPayload.identifier = requestID; requestPayload.title = "My History Request"; requestPayload.description = "My favorite history request"; requestPayload.universe = strcat(testCase.connection.URL,"/eap/catalogs/123/universes/u2022060615481086fc10"); requestPayload.fieldList = strcat(testCase.connection.URL,"/eap/catalogs/123/fieldLists/histFieldList2022060611005354b015"); requestPayload.trigger = strcat(testCase.connection.URL,"/eap/catalogs/bbg/triggers/oneshot/"); requestPayload.formatting.type = "HistoryFormat"; requestPayload.formatting.dateFormat = "yyyymmdd"; requestPayload.formatting.fileType = "unixFileType"; requestPayload.formatting.displayPricingSource = true; % add options for historical request requestPayload.runtimeOptions.type = "HistoryRuntimeOptions"; requestPayload.runtimeOptions.historyPriceCurrency = "USD"; requestPayload.runtimeOptions.period = "daily"; requestPayload.runtimeOptions.dateRange.type = "IntervalDateRange"; requestPayload.runtimeOptions.dateRange.startDate = string(datetime('today','Format','yyyy-MM-dd')-10); requestPayload.runtimeOptions.dateRange.endDate = string(datetime('today','Format','yyyy-MM-dd')); requestPayload.pricingSourceOptions.type = "HistoryPricingSourceOptions"; requestPayload.pricingSourceOptions.exclusive = true;
Then create the request by using the createRequest
function, which outputs the request ID and a response message that confirms the
creation of the request.
[requestID,response] = createRequest(c,userCatalog,requestPayload) requestID = "r202303211130197aaa0d" response = ResponseMessage with properties: StatusLine: 'HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED' StatusCode: Created Header: [1×15] Body: [1×1] Completed: 0
Retrieve Request Information and Data
Now you can retrieve your data. First, extract the data request information
using the getRequests
Then extract the request date.
requestInfo = getRequests(c,userCatalog,requestID) requestDate = requestInfo.issued{1}(1,[1:4,6:7,9:10])
Retrieve the data by using the getData
specifying the request ID and the date that you extracted.
requestID = "r202303211130197aaa0d";
[data,response] = getData(c,userCatalog,requestID,requestDate)
data = 14×7 timetable Time SECURITIES ERROR CODE NUM FLDS MARKET PX_ASK PX_LAST ID_BB_GLOBAL ___________ ________________ __________ ________ ______ ______ _______ ____________ 13-Mar-2023 "Growth US Equity" "0" "3" "US" 41.79 41.78 "N.A." 14-Mar-2023 "Growth US Equity" "0" "3" "US" 43.79 43.80 "N.A." 15-Mar-2023 "Growth US Equity" "0" "3" "US" 43.56 43.54 "N.A." 16-Mar-2023 "Growth US Equity" "0" "3" "US" 44.70 44.67 "N.A." 17-Mar-2023 "Growth US Equity" "0" "3" "US" 44.68 44.68 "N.A." 20-Mar-2023 "Growth US Equity" "0" "3" "US" 43.88 43.88 "N.A." 21-Mar-2023 "Growth US Equity" "0" "3" "US" 44.93 44.92 "N.A." 13-Mar-2023 "Value US Equity" "0" "3" "US" 125.59 125.58 "N.A." 14-Mar-2023 "Value US Equity" "0" "3" "US" 124.62 124.65 "N.A." 15-Mar-2023 "Value US Equity" "0" "3" "US" 123.35 123.28 "N.A." 16-Mar-2023 "Value US Equity" "0" "3" "US" 124.71 124.70 "N.A." 17-Mar-2023 "Value US Equity" "0" "3" "US" 123.74 123.69 "N.A." 20-Mar-2023 "Value US Equity" "0" "3" "US" 125.95 125.94 "N.A." 21-Mar-2023 "Value US Equity" "0" "3" "US" 126.51 126.50 "N.A." response = ResponseMessage with properties: StatusLine: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' StatusCode: OK Header: [1×15] Body: [1×1] Completed: 0
In the StatusCode
field of the response message,
signifies a successful Hypermedia data retrieval
contained in data
. The retrieved data is a MATLAB
and varies depending on
the type of request.
The Bloomberg Hypermedia interface also includes functions to retrieve universe, field list, and trigger:
Additionally, the getFields
returns the entire available Bloomberg field list or information about a given field. Note that
retrieving the entire available field list takes a significant amount of
See Also
| createUniverse
| createFieldList
| createTrigger
| createRequest
| getFieldLists
| getUniverses
| getTriggers
| getFields
| getRequests
| getData