C++ 数据接口和函数接口
控制从 Simulink 模型生成的 C++ 类
要生成可轻松插入您现有软件架构中的高效 C++ 代码,请配置 C++ 类接口。从模型生成 C++ 类接口时,模型显示为类,数据元素显示为类成员,模型函数显示为类方法。通过以交互方式或编程方式配置 C++ 类接口,您可以配置:
类信息 - 类名称和命名空间
类成员信息 - 类成员数据可见性和访问方法
类方法信息 - 类方法名称和参量
代码映射 - C++ 编辑器 | Configure how model elements and functions appear in generated C++ code (自 R2021a 起) |
coder.mapping.api.CodeMappingCPP | C++ 代码生成的模型数据和接口配置 (自 R2021a 起) |
- C Data Code Interface Configuration for Model Interface Elements
Control the representation of model data elements and functions in generated C code by using a data code interface configuration.
- Interactively Configure C++ Interface
Interactively configure the C++ class generated from a Simulink® model.
- Programmatically Configure C++ Interface
Programmatically configure the C++ class generated from a Simulink model.
- Configure Parameters for C++ Interface Code Generation
Configure and generate code for instance-specific or shared parameters.
- Manage Multiple Code Mappings for a Model
Design models that are platform-neutral and ready to deploy to different run-time environments.