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您可以控制生成的标识符的最大长度,并包含名称修饰文本以避免名称冲突。您可以通过在正则表达式中使用标记修饰符来控制标识符的内容。某些关键字不能作为有效的标识符,例如 C 和 C++ 中的关键字。


RTW.reservedIdentifiersGet reserved identifiers for code generation (自 R2023b 起)


  • Identifier Format Control

    You can customize generated identifiers by using identifier naming rules.

  • Specify Boolean and Data Type Limit Identifiers

    Integrate the generated code with your code by specifying the identifiers that correspond to Boolean false and true. Also, specify the identifiers that correspond to data type limits, which the generated code uses to determine overflows.

  • Reserved Keywords

    If you use the code generator to produce C or C++ code, your model must not contain keywords that are reserved for internal use.

  • Avoid Identifier Naming Collisions

    Use model configuration parameters and best practices to avoid identifier collisions and maintain traceability in generated code.