Main Content


此模型显示为包含 MATLAB® 脚本的 Simulink® 模型生成的代码。

该模型包含一个扩展卡尔曼滤波器,用于根据雷达测量值估计飞机位置。MATLAB 脚本 AircraftPositionData.m 包含用于运行模型的数据。估计位置和实际位置将保存到工作区,并在仿真结束时由程序 AircraftPositionPlot.m(自动从仿真中调用)进行绘图。



打开 Simulink 模型。


在 MATLAB 编辑器中打开 MATLAB Function 模块 RadarTracker





使用 Simulink Coder 提供的子系统编译功能为模型的卡尔曼滤波器部分生成代码。在第一个编译中,该模型配置为使用 Simulink Coder™ 生成代码。在第二个编译中,该模型配置为使用 Embedded Coder® 生成代码。

使用 Simulink Coder 配置和编译模型。

set_param(model, "SystemTargetFile", "grt.tlc");
### Starting build procedure for: RadarTracker
### Successful completion of build procedure for: RadarTracker

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model         Action                        Rebuild Reason                                    
RadarTracker  Code generated and compiled.  Code generation information file does not exist.  

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 21.179s

使用 Embedded Coder 配置和编译模型。

set_param(model, "SystemTargetFile", "ert.tlc");
### Starting build procedure for: RadarTracker
### Successful completion of build procedure for: RadarTracker

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model         Action                        Rebuild Reason                                    
RadarTracker  Code generated and compiled.  Code generation information file does not exist.  

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 17.878s

下面列出了 RadarTracker.c 的一部分。

cfile = fullfile(pwd,'RadarTracker_ert_rtw','RadarTracker.c');
coder.example.extractLines(cfile,'/* Model step', '/* Model initialize', 1, 0);
/* Model step function */
void RadarTracker_step(void)
  __m128d tmp_0;
  __m128d tmp_1;
  __m128d tmp_2;
  real_T P_tmp[16];
  real_T Phi_0[16];
  real_T Q[16];
  real_T Q_0[16];
  real_T M[8];
  real_T W[8];
  real_T tmp[8];
  real_T x_tmp[8];
  real_T Phi_1[4];
  real_T tmp_3[2];
  real_T Bearinghat;
  real_T P;
  real_T P_0;
  real_T P_1;
  real_T Phi_2;
  real_T Phi_3;
  real_T Rangehat;
  real_T r;
  int32_T P_tmp_0;
  int32_T i;
  int32_T j;
  int32_T tmp_4;
  int32_T tmp_5;
  int32_T x_tmp_tmp;
  int8_T Phi[16];
  static const real_T e[4] = { 0.0, 0.005, 0.0, 0.005 };

  static const real_T c_b[4] = { 90000.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0E-6 };

  /* MATLAB Function: '<Root>/RadarTracker' incorporates:
   *  Inport: '<Root>/meas'
  Phi[0] = 1;
  Phi[4] = 1;
  Phi[8] = 0;
  Phi[12] = 0;
  Phi[2] = 0;
  Phi[6] = 0;
  Phi[10] = 1;
  Phi[14] = 1;
  Phi[1] = 0;
  Phi[3] = 0;
  Phi[5] = 1;
  Phi[7] = 0;
  Phi[9] = 0;
  Phi[11] = 0;
  Phi[13] = 0;
  Phi[15] = 1;
  memset(&Q[0], 0, sizeof(real_T) << 4U);
  for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
    Q[j + (j << 2)] = e[j];

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    P_tmp_0 = i << 2;
    r = RadarTracker_DW.P[P_tmp_0 + 1];
    P = RadarTracker_DW.P[P_tmp_0];
    P_0 = RadarTracker_DW.P[P_tmp_0 + 2];
    P_1 = RadarTracker_DW.P[P_tmp_0 + 3];
    for (j = 0; j <= 2; j += 2) {
      _mm_storeu_pd(&Phi_0[j + P_tmp_0], _mm_add_pd(_mm_add_pd(_mm_add_pd
        (_mm_mul_pd(_mm_set1_pd(r), _mm_set_pd(Phi[j + 5], Phi[j + 4])),
         _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set1_pd(P), _mm_set_pd(Phi[j + 1], Phi[j]))), _mm_mul_pd
        (_mm_set1_pd(P_0), _mm_set_pd(Phi[j + 9], Phi[j + 8]))), _mm_mul_pd
        (_mm_set1_pd(P_1), _mm_set_pd(Phi[j + 13], Phi[j + 12]))));

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    Rangehat = Phi_0[i + 4];
    Bearinghat = Phi_0[i];
    Phi_2 = Phi_0[i + 8];
    Phi_3 = Phi_0[i + 12];
    r = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
      P_tmp_0 = (j << 2) + i;
      RadarTracker_DW.P[P_tmp_0] = ((((real_T)Phi[j + 4] * Rangehat + Bearinghat
        * (real_T)Phi[j]) + (real_T)Phi[j + 8] * Phi_2) + (real_T)Phi[j + 12] *
        Phi_3) + Q[P_tmp_0];
      r += (real_T)Phi[P_tmp_0] * RadarTracker_DW.xhat[j];

    Phi_1[i] = r;

  RadarTracker_DW.xhat[0] = Phi_1[0];
  RadarTracker_DW.xhat[1] = Phi_1[1];
  RadarTracker_DW.xhat[2] = Phi_1[2];
  RadarTracker_DW.xhat[3] = Phi_1[3];
  Rangehat = sqrt(RadarTracker_DW.xhat[0] * RadarTracker_DW.xhat[0] +
                  RadarTracker_DW.xhat[2] * RadarTracker_DW.xhat[2]);
  Bearinghat = rt_atan2d_snf(RadarTracker_DW.xhat[2], RadarTracker_DW.xhat[0]);
  Phi_2 = sin(Bearinghat);
  Phi_3 = cos(Bearinghat);
  M[0] = Phi_3;
  M[2] = 0.0;
  M[4] = Phi_2;
  M[6] = 0.0;
  M[1] = -Phi_2 / Rangehat;
  M[3] = 0.0;
  M[5] = Phi_3 / Rangehat;
  M[7] = 0.0;
  _mm_storeu_pd(&RadarTracker_Y.residual[0], _mm_sub_pd(_mm_loadu_pd
    (&RadarTracker_U.meas[0]), _mm_set_pd(Bearinghat, Rangehat)));
  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
      x_tmp_tmp = (j << 1) + i;
      x_tmp[j + (i << 2)] = M[x_tmp_tmp];
      P_tmp_0 = j << 2;
      W[x_tmp_tmp] = ((RadarTracker_DW.P[P_tmp_0 + 1] * 0.0 +
                       RadarTracker_DW.P[P_tmp_0] * M[i]) +
                      RadarTracker_DW.P[P_tmp_0 + 2] * M[i + 4]) +
        RadarTracker_DW.P[P_tmp_0 + 3] * 0.0;

  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    Rangehat = W[i + 2];
    Bearinghat = W[i];
    Phi_2 = W[i + 4];
    Phi_3 = W[i + 6];
    for (j = 0; j <= 0; j += 2) {
      x_tmp_tmp = (j + 1) << 2;
      P_tmp_0 = j << 2;
      tmp_4 = (j << 1) + i;
      tmp_5 = ((j + 1) << 1) + i;
      _mm_storeu_pd(&tmp_3[0], _mm_add_pd(_mm_add_pd(_mm_add_pd(_mm_add_pd
        (_mm_mul_pd(_mm_set_pd(x_tmp[x_tmp_tmp + 1], x_tmp[P_tmp_0 + 1]),
                    _mm_set1_pd(Rangehat)), _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set_pd
        (x_tmp[x_tmp_tmp], x_tmp[P_tmp_0]), _mm_set1_pd(Bearinghat))),
        _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set_pd(x_tmp[x_tmp_tmp + 2], x_tmp[P_tmp_0 + 2]),
                   _mm_set1_pd(Phi_2))), _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set_pd(x_tmp[x_tmp_tmp +
        3], x_tmp[P_tmp_0 + 3]), _mm_set1_pd(Phi_3))), _mm_set_pd(c_b[tmp_5],
      Phi_1[tmp_4] = tmp_3[0];
      Phi_1[tmp_5] = tmp_3[1];

  if (fabs(Phi_1[1]) > fabs(Phi_1[0])) {
    r = Phi_1[0] / Phi_1[1];
    Rangehat = 1.0 / (r * Phi_1[3] - Phi_1[2]);
    Bearinghat = Phi_1[3] / Phi_1[1] * Rangehat;
    Phi_2 = -Rangehat;
    Phi_3 = -Phi_1[2] / Phi_1[1] * Rangehat;
    Rangehat *= r;
  } else {
    r = Phi_1[1] / Phi_1[0];
    Rangehat = 1.0 / (Phi_1[3] - r * Phi_1[2]);
    Bearinghat = Phi_1[3] / Phi_1[0] * Rangehat;
    Phi_2 = -r * Rangehat;
    Phi_3 = -Phi_1[2] / Phi_1[0] * Rangehat;

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    r = RadarTracker_DW.P[i + 4];
    P = RadarTracker_DW.P[i];
    P_0 = RadarTracker_DW.P[i + 8];
    P_1 = RadarTracker_DW.P[i + 12];
    for (j = 0; j <= 0; j += 2) {
      x_tmp_tmp = (j + 1) << 2;
      P_tmp_0 = j << 2;
      _mm_storeu_pd(&tmp_3[0], _mm_add_pd(_mm_add_pd(_mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd
        (_mm_set_pd(x_tmp[x_tmp_tmp + 1], x_tmp[P_tmp_0 + 1]), _mm_set1_pd(r)),
        _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set_pd(x_tmp[x_tmp_tmp], x_tmp[P_tmp_0]), _mm_set1_pd(P))),
        _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set_pd(x_tmp[x_tmp_tmp + 2], x_tmp[P_tmp_0 + 2]),
                   _mm_set1_pd(P_0))), _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set_pd(x_tmp[x_tmp_tmp + 3],
        x_tmp[P_tmp_0 + 3]), _mm_set1_pd(P_1))));
      tmp[i + P_tmp_0] = tmp_3[0];
      tmp[i + x_tmp_tmp] = tmp_3[1];

    P = tmp[i + 4];
    P_0 = tmp[i];
    r = P * Phi_2 + P_0 * Bearinghat;
    W[i] = r;
    P = P * Rangehat + P_0 * Phi_3;
    W[i + 4] = P;
    RadarTracker_DW.xhat[i] += r * RadarTracker_Y.residual[0] + P *

  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    Phi[i] = 0;

  Phi[0] = 1;
  Phi[5] = 1;
  Phi[10] = 1;
  Phi[15] = 1;
  memset(&Q[0], 0, sizeof(real_T) << 4U);
  for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
    Q[j + (j << 2)] = 1.0;

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    P_tmp_0 = i << 1;
    Rangehat = M[P_tmp_0 + 1];
    Bearinghat = M[P_tmp_0];
    for (j = 0; j <= 2; j += 2) {
      tmp_1 = _mm_loadu_pd(&W[j + 4]);
      tmp_2 = _mm_loadu_pd(&W[j]);
      _mm_storeu_pd(&P_tmp[j + (i << 2)], _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(_mm_set1_pd
        (Rangehat), tmp_1), _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set1_pd(Bearinghat), tmp_2)));

  for (i = 0; i <= 14; i += 2) {
    tmp_1 = _mm_loadu_pd(&Q[i]);
    tmp_2 = _mm_loadu_pd(&P_tmp[i]);
    _mm_storeu_pd(&Q_0[i], _mm_sub_pd(tmp_1, tmp_2));

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    P_tmp_0 = i << 2;
    r = RadarTracker_DW.P[P_tmp_0 + 1];
    P = RadarTracker_DW.P[P_tmp_0];
    P_0 = RadarTracker_DW.P[P_tmp_0 + 2];
    P_1 = RadarTracker_DW.P[P_tmp_0 + 3];
    for (j = 0; j <= 2; j += 2) {
      tmp_1 = _mm_add_pd(_mm_add_pd(_mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(_mm_set1_pd(r),
        _mm_loadu_pd(&Q_0[j + 4])), _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set1_pd(P), _mm_loadu_pd
        (&Q_0[j]))), _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set1_pd(P_0), _mm_loadu_pd(&Q_0[j + 8]))),
                         _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set1_pd(P_1), _mm_loadu_pd(&Q_0[j + 12])));
      x_tmp_tmp = j + P_tmp_0;
      _mm_storeu_pd(&Q[x_tmp_tmp], tmp_1);
      tmp_1 = _mm_sub_pd(_mm_set_pd(Phi[x_tmp_tmp + 1], Phi[x_tmp_tmp]),
      _mm_storeu_pd(&tmp_3[0], tmp_1);
      Phi_0[i + (j << 2)] = tmp_3[0];
      Phi_0[i + ((j + 1) << 2)] = tmp_3[1];

  for (j = 0; j <= 2; j += 2) {
    tmp_1 = _mm_loadu_pd(&W[j + 4]);
    tmp_2 = _mm_set1_pd(0.0);
    tmp_0 = _mm_loadu_pd(&W[j]);
    _mm_storeu_pd(&M[j], _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(tmp_1, tmp_2), _mm_mul_pd(tmp_0,
    _mm_storeu_pd(&M[j + 4], _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(tmp_1, _mm_set1_pd(1.0E-6)),
      _mm_mul_pd(tmp_0, tmp_2)));

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    Rangehat = Q[i + 4];
    Bearinghat = Q[i];
    Phi_2 = Q[i + 8];
    Phi_3 = Q[i + 12];
    r = M[i + 4];
    P = M[i];
    for (j = 0; j <= 2; j += 2) {
      x_tmp_tmp = (j + 1) << 2;
      P_tmp_0 = j << 2;
      _mm_storeu_pd(&tmp_3[0], _mm_add_pd(_mm_add_pd(_mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd
        (_mm_set_pd(Phi_0[x_tmp_tmp + 1], Phi_0[P_tmp_0 + 1]), _mm_set1_pd
         (Rangehat)), _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set_pd(Phi_0[x_tmp_tmp], Phi_0[P_tmp_0]),
        _mm_set1_pd(Bearinghat))), _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set_pd(Phi_0[x_tmp_tmp + 2],
        Phi_0[P_tmp_0 + 2]), _mm_set1_pd(Phi_2))), _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set_pd
        (Phi_0[x_tmp_tmp + 3], Phi_0[P_tmp_0 + 3]), _mm_set1_pd(Phi_3))));
      P_tmp_0 += i;
      Q_0[P_tmp_0] = tmp_3[0];
      x_tmp_tmp += i;
      Q_0[x_tmp_tmp] = tmp_3[1];
      tmp_1 = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(_mm_set1_pd(r), _mm_loadu_pd(&W[j + 4])),
                         _mm_mul_pd(_mm_set1_pd(P), _mm_loadu_pd(&W[j])));
      _mm_storeu_pd(&tmp_3[0], tmp_1);
      P_tmp[P_tmp_0] = tmp_3[0];
      P_tmp[x_tmp_tmp] = tmp_3[1];

  for (i = 0; i <= 14; i += 2) {
    tmp_1 = _mm_loadu_pd(&Q_0[i]);
    tmp_2 = _mm_loadu_pd(&P_tmp[i]);
    _mm_storeu_pd(&RadarTracker_DW.P[i], _mm_add_pd(tmp_1, tmp_2));

  /* Outport: '<Root>/xhatOut' incorporates:
   *  MATLAB Function: '<Root>/RadarTracker'
  RadarTracker_Y.xhatOut[0] = RadarTracker_DW.xhat[0];
  RadarTracker_Y.xhatOut[1] = RadarTracker_DW.xhat[1];
  RadarTracker_Y.xhatOut[2] = RadarTracker_DW.xhat[2];
  RadarTracker_Y.xhatOut[3] = RadarTracker_DW.xhat[3];

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