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Customize Data Type Replacement

While generating C/C++ code from MATLAB® code, the Data Type Replacement option enables you to use built-in C data types or MathWorks® typedefs in the generated code. Code generation supports these data types for custom renaming: double, single, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64, char, and logical.

The Data Type Replacement option is available in the Generate Code window (More Settings), on the Code Appearance tab. You can select one of these options:

  • Use built-in C data types in the generated code

  • Use MathWorks typedefs in the generated code


The code generator does not replace variable-size character arrays with char* type strings in the generated code.

If you have Embedded Coder® installed, you can specify custom names for MATLAB built-in data types in the generated C/C++ code. For example, you can customize double as Custom_Double.

Specify Custom Data Type Names by Using the MATLAB Coder App

To specify custom names for the MATLAB data types:

  1. Open the MATLAB Coder™ app.

  2. Navigate to the Generate Code step.

  3. Click More Settings.

  4. In the Code Appearance tab, select Enable custom data type replacement under Custom Data Type Replacement.

  5. The table lists the name of the supported data types. Specify your custom names for these data types and press Enter. The specified custom names replace the built-in data type names in the generated code. If you do not specify a custom name, the code generator uses a default name.

Specify Custom Data Type Names by Using the Command-Line Interface

Use the EnableCustomReplacementTypes and ReplacementTypes properties in an Embedded Coder configuration object when you generate code by using codegen.

  1. Write a MATLAB function from which you can generate code. This example uses the function myAdd that returns the sum of its inputs.

    function c = myAdd(a,b)
    c = a + b;

  2. Create a code configuration object for generation of a static library.

    cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true);

  3. Set the EnableCustomReplacementTypes property to true.

    cfg.EnableCustomReplacementTypes = true;

  4. Specify custom name for the data types. Here, the built-in data type name uint8 is customized to Custom_Uint8.

    cfg.ReplacementTypes.uint8 = "Custom_Uint8";

  5. Generate code by using codegen and -config option.

    codegen myAdd.m -args {1,uint8(1)} -config cfg -report

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