Compute LIBOR Fallback
This example shows how to compute a USD LIBOR fallback. Regulators and industry groups have recommended that firms transition away from the London inter-bank offered rate (LIBOR) and prepare to replace them with overnight Alternative Reference Rates (ARRs). What happens to contracts with a notional value of trillions of dollars if they refer to a benchmark that no longer exists? If the LIBOR benchmark is no longer published, references to that benchmark rate must change and benchmark rates “fall back” to a new benchmark in contracts. For example, if a 30-year floating-rate instrument with a three-month coupon based on the LIBOR rate is created in 2008 and expires in 2038, then the rate will need to change in 2023 because in 2023, the publication of a LIBOR rate permanently ceases. To calculate three-month coupon payments after 2023, you must use a LIBOR fallback. This example is based on the ISDA® 2020 IBOR Fallbacks Protocol.
Spread Adjustments
Use spread adjustments from the ISDA® website at LIBOR Cessation and the Impact on Fallbacks Protocol.
Adjustment = [.00644 .03839 .11448 .18456 .26161 .42826 .71513]'/100; TenorLabel = ["ON","1W","1M","2M","3M","6M","12M"]'; Tenors = [caldays(1) calweeks(1) calmonths([1 2 3 6 12])]; SpreadAdjustmentTable = table(TenorLabel,Adjustment); nTenors = height(SpreadAdjustmentTable);
Example Data
Run this example using the following example data.
RateRecordDate = datetime(2021,2,26);
RateTenor = "1M";
ARR_DC = 360;
Obtain Calculation Date
Use RateRecordDate
and Tenors
to calculate CalculationDate
CalculationDate = RateRecordDate + Tenors(RateTenor == TenorLabel); if ~isbusday(CalculationDate) CalculationDate = busdate(CalculationDate); end
Obtain Historical Data
For this example, the historical data is hard-coded. However, you can also use Datafeed Toolbox™ with Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED®) to obtain the historical data.
getFredData = false; if getFredData ARR_ID = 'SOFR'; c = fred; c.DataReturnFormat = 'timetable'; c.DatetimeType = 'datetime'; FredData = fetch(c,ARR_ID,RateRecordDate,CalculationDate); SOFRData = FredData.Data{1}; SOFRData(isnan(SOFRData{:,1}),:) = []; else SOFRRates = [0.01 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 ... 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01]'; SOFRDates = busdays(RateRecordDate,CalculationDate); SOFRData = timetable(SOFRDates,SOFRRates); end
Compute Spread Adjustment
Obtain the spread adjustment from SpreadAdjustmentTable
SpreadAdj = Adjustment(RateTenor == TenorLabel);
Compute ARR
Compute the alternative reference rate (ARR) using the relevant reference rate data.
tau = days(diff(SOFRData.Properties.RowTimes))/ARR_DC; relRate = SOFRData{1:end-1,1}; CompRate = prod(1 + tau.*1/100.*relRate) - 1; ARR = ARR_DC/days(CalculationDate - RateRecordDate)*CompRate; ARR = round(ARR,7);
Compute Fallback Rate
is the sum of ARR
and SpreadAdj
FallbackRate = ARR + SpreadAdj
FallbackRate = 0.0013