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Server Connection and Browsing

Connect to OPC servers and browse their name spaces

Identify the host and ID of the OPC server you want to connect to. After you connect, you can retrieve server information and browse its name space.


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opcuaserverinfoQuery host for installed OPC UA servers
opcregisterInstall and register OPC Foundation core components
opcsupportOPC troubleshooting utility
opchdaserverinfoQuery host for installed HDA servers
opc.hdaSupportOPC HDA troubleshooting utility
opcuaCreate OPC UA client object
opcuanodeCreate OPC UA node objects
connectConnect client object to OPC server
isConnectedTrue if HDA Client is connected to server
disconnectDisconnect client object from OPC server
opchdaCreate OPC historical data access client
opc.hda.resetDisconnect and delete all OPC HDA client objects
getNameSpace (opchda)OPC HDA server name space
getNamespace (opcua)Namespace of OPC UA server associated with client
browseNameSpace (opchda)Graphically browse OPC HDA server name space
browseNamespace (opcua)Graphically browse namespace and select nodes from OPC UA server
opcuaserverinfoQuery host for installed OPC UA servers
opchdaserverinfoQuery host for installed HDA servers
findDescription Locate OPC HDA servers with particular description
readItemAttributesRead item attribute values from OPC HDA server
getDescription Get description of OPC HDA aggregate type or item attribute
getIDFromNameTranslate OPC HDA aggregate type or item attribute name to numeric identifier
getIDListGet all aggregate type or item attribute IDs
getNameListGet all aggregate type or item attribute names
isvalidTrue for undeleted OPC objects


OPC Historical Data Access (HDA)

OPC Unified Architecture (UA)

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