Display Animation of Radar Images over GOES Backdrop
This example shows how to display NEXRAD radar images. The images cover the past 24 hours, sampled at one-hour intervals, for the United States using data from the IEM WMS server.
Search the WMS Database for the 'nexrad-n0r-wmst'
layer. Synchronize the layer with the server.
wmst = wmsfind('nexrad-n0r-wmst','SearchField','layername'); wmst = wmsupdate(wmst);
Search the WMS Database for a generated CONUS composite of GOES IR imagery. Synchronize the layer with the server.
goes = wmsfind('goes*conus*ir','SearchField','layername'); goes = wmsupdate(goes);
Create a map of the conterminous United States.
hfig = figure; region = 'conus'; usamap(region) borders = geoshow('usastatehi.shp','FaceColor','none');
Get the latitude and longitude limits of the map.
mstruct = gcm; latlim = mstruct.maplatlimit; lonlim = mstruct.maplonlimit;
Read the GOES layer to use as a backdrop image.
cellsize = 0.1; [backdrop, R] = wmsread(goes,'ImageFormat','image/png', ... 'Latlim',latlim,'Lonlim',lonlim,'Cellsize',cellsize);
Find the current time minus 24 hours. Set up frames to hold the data from getframe
now_m24 = datestr(now-1); hour_m24 = [now_m24(1:end-5) '00:00']; hour = datenum(hour_m24); hmap = []; numFrames = 24; frames = struct('cdata',[],'colormap',[]); frames(numFrames) = frames;
Set the Visible
property of the figure to 'off'
to hide the figure while populating the frames. For each hour, obtain the hourly NEXRAD map data and combine it with a copy of the backdrop. Because of how this Web server handles PNG format, the resulting map data has an image with class double
. Thus, you must convert it to uint8
before merging.
hfig.Visible = 'off'; for k=1:numFrames time = datestr(hour); [A,R] = wmsread(wmst,'Latlim',latlim,'Lonlim',lonlim, ... 'Time',time,'CellSize',cellsize, ... 'BackgroundColor',[0 0 0],'ImageFormat','image/png'); delete(hmap) index = any(A > 0, 3); combination = backdrop; index = cat(3,index,index,index); combination(index) = uint8(255*A(index)); hmap = geoshow(combination,R); uistack(borders,'top') title({wmst.LayerName,time}) frames(k) = getframe(hfig); hour = hour + 1/24; end
Set the Visible
property of the figure to 'on'
. View the movie loop three times at 1.5 frames per second.
hfig.Visible = 'on';