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Specific Vector and Gridded Data Products

Find data file names for a region; read VMAP0, GSHHG, and AVHRR data

Find data file names required to cover a geographic region and read data files in certain formats. Find file names for DTED, GLOBE, GTOPO30, and USGS DEM data. Read AVHRR, VMAP0, and GSHHG data.


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dtedsDTED file names for latitude-longitude quadrangle
globedemsGLOBE data file names for latitude-longitude quadrangle
gtopo30sGTOPO30 data file names for latitude-longitude quadrangle
usgsdemsUSGS 1-degree (3-arc-sec) DEM file names for latitude-longitude quadrangle


avhrrlambertRead AVHRR data product stored in eqaazim projection
avhrrgoodeRead AVHRR data product stored in Goode Projection


vmap0dataRead selected data from Vector Map Level 0
vmap0readRead Vector Map Level 0 file
vmap0rheadRead Vector Map Level 0 file headers
updategeostructConvert line or patch display structure to geostruct


gshhsRead Global Self-Consistent Hierarchical High-Resolution Geography (GSHHG) data

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