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Check Pod Status

Check the status of the Kubernetes® cluster pods. Before you can check the pods, you must have kubectl installed and configured to access the MATLAB® Online Server™ Kubernetes cluster and have helm installed on the same nodes as kubectl.

Get Pod List

MATLAB Online Server microservices run on Kubernetes cluster pods. To display a list of these pods, run the kubectl command with get pods.


Issue the following command, replacing the variable <namespace-name> with the namespace you used to deploy MATLAB Online Server:

kubectl --namespace <namespace-name> get pods

Example Output

This command results in a display of running pods and statuses:

NAME                                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
<namespace-name>-authnz-authnz-5bd9867d69-2trk2      1/1      Running      0      17h
<namespace-name>-core-ui-core-ui-6679d5ff7f-rdtfb    1/1      Running      0      17h
<namespace-name>-gateway-65697586f7-vsvls            1/1      Running      0      17h
<namespace-name>-license-84d4877898-mmqll            1/1      Running      0      17h
<namespace-name>-matlab-pool-5858d796b9-lqslb        2/2      Running      0      14m
<namespace-name>-matlab-pool-apparmor-loader-6prmt   1/1      Running      0      17h
<namespace-name>-matlab-pool-apparmor-loader-99zcq   1/1      Running      0      17h
<namespace-name>-matlab-pool-helpsearch-5689dd4cdf-t77rh  1/1 Running      0      17h
<namespace-name>-matlab-pool-ui-689fb5d9ff-tsrh4     1/1      Running      0      17h
<namespace-name>-resource-resource-56f5745747-dctps  1/1      Running      0      17h

The information returned can be broken down as follows:

  • The following services are MATLAB Online Server core services:

    • authnz

    • core-ui

    • gateway

    • license

    • helpsearch

    • ui

    • resource

All these services are expected to have the value 1/1 under the READY column.

  • The MATLAB Pool pod hosts the MATLAB process and it is expected to have the value 2/2 under the READY column. MATLAB Online Server assigns a separate pod for each MATLAB Online Server user.

  • matlab-pool-apparmor-loader is a specific pod that MATLAB Online Server deploys for each Kubernetes node. The display shown in the previous example lists two pods of this type because its Kubernetes cluster has two nodes.

The name of each pod has suffix at the end as a unique identifier. As an example, the authnz pod name ends with the suffix 5bd9867d69-2trk2. If a new pod is created, then you get a new suffix identifier at the end of its name.

Get List of Other Required Services

While the command kubectl lists the main MATLAB Online Server services, running that command does not make visible other required services, such as namespace. Instead, check the deployment status of other required services by running the helm list command.


In this example, replace <namespace-name> with the namespace you used for MATLAB Online Server:

helm list | egrep "<namespace-name>|nginx"

Example Output

This command results in a display of both core and additional services and their status.

<namespace-name>-authnz      1	Thu Jan 16 16:51:39 YYYY	DEPLOYED	mos-authnz-1.0.0          	1.0.0      	<namespace-name>
<namespace-name>-core-ui     1	Thu Jan 16 16:51:40 YYYY	DEPLOYED	mos-core-ui-1.0.0         	1.0.0      	<namespace-name>
<namespace-name>-gateway     1	Thu Jan 16 16:51:41 YYYY	DEPLOYED	mos-gateway-1.0.0         	1.0.0      	<namespace-name> 
<namespace-name>-license     1	Thu Jan 16 16:51:42 YYYY	DEPLOYED	mos-license-1.0.0         	1.0.0      	<namespace-name>
<namespace-name>-matlab-pool 1	Thu Jan 16 16:51:43 YYYY	DEPLOYED	mos-matlab-pool-1.0.0     	1.0.0      	<namespace-name>
<namespace-name>-namespace   1	Thu Jan 16 16:51:45 YYYY	DEPLOYED	mos-namespace-1.0.0       	1.0.0      	<namespace-name> 
<namespace-name>-resource    1	Thu Jan 16 16:51:46 YYYY	DEPLOYED	mos-resource-1.0.0        	1.0.0      	<namespace-name> 
nginx-ingress                3	Sat Nov 23 15:21:31 YYYY	DEPLOYED	nginx-ingress-1.25.0             0.26.1c	    nginx-ingress

Make sure each service has the value DEPLOYED.

Get Pod Descriptions

To get more details about each pod, run the following command:

kubectl describe pod <podId>


For example, issue the following command, replacing <namespace-name> with the namespace you used for MATLAB Online Server:

kubectl --namespace=<namespace-name> describe pod <namespace-name>-matlab-pool-5858d796b9-lqslb

This command provides details about the MATLAB pool pod identified by <namespace-name>-matlab-pool-5858d796b9-lqslb.

Example Output

Pod Descriptors
Start TimeFri, 17 Jan YYYY 10:25:20 -0500


Container ID: docker://cf5d62aeb248a87ddac5fdd775cae7c94e8df06816ad68c5d1db78b87f903cb4


Type        Reason        Age                        From                                 
   ------        ----------       ------                       ----
---                                            ------------
  Normal   Scheduled  <unknown>          default-scheduler                    
Successfully assigned <namespace-name>/<namespace-name>-matlab-
pool-5858d796b9-lqslb to private-node-3

  Normal   Pulling    19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Pulling image "

  Normal   Pulled     19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Successfully pulled image "

  Normal   Created    19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Created container matlab

  Normal   Pulling    19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Pulling image "


  Normal   Pulling    19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Pulling image "

  Normal   Pulled     19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Successfully pulled image "

  Normal   Created    19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Created container resource-proxy

  Normal   Started    19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Started container resource-proxy

  Normal   Started    19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Started container matlab

  Normal   Pulled     19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Successfully pulled image "

  Normal   Created    19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Created container display

  Normal   Started    19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Started container display

  Normal   Pulling    19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Pulling image "

  Normal   Pulled     19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Successfully pulled image "

  Normal   Created    19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Created container windowmanager

  Normal   Started    19m                kubelet, private-node-3  
Started container windowmanager

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