Delete current HDU in FITS file
HDU_TYPE = deleteHDU(fptr)
HDU_TYPE = deleteHDU(fptr)
deletes the
current HDU in the FITS file. Any following HDUs will be shifted forward
in the file, filling the gap created by the deleted HDU. In the case
of deleting the primary array (the first HDU in the file) then the
current primary array will be replaced by a null primary array containing
the minimum set of required keywords and no data. If there are more
HDUs in the file following the HDU being deleted, then the current
HDU will be redefined to point to the following HDU. If there are
no following HDUs then the current HDU will be redefined to point
to the previous HDU. HDU_TYPE
returns the type
of the new current HDU.
This function corresponds to the fits_delete_hdu (ffdhdu)
in the CFITSIO library C API.
Delete the second HDU in a FITS file.
import* srcFile = fullfile(matlabroot,"toolbox","matlab", ... "demos","tst0012.fits"); copyfile(srcFile,"myfile.fits") fileattrib("myfile.fits","+w") fitsdisp("myfile.fits",Mode="min") fptr = fits.openFile("myfile.fits","readwrite"); fits.movAbsHDU(fptr,2); new_current_hdu = fits.deleteHDU(fptr); fits.closeFile(fptr) fitsdisp("myfile.fits",Mode="min")