Plot Position Using GPS Connected to Arduino Hardware
This example shows how to get the geographic location using the GPS module connected on Arduino hardware and plot the location in a map.
Required Hardware
To run this example, you need:
Arduino Mega2560
UBlox Neo-6M GPS module
GPS antenna
USB cable
Connecting wires
Hardware Connections
Connect the pins on the UBlox Neo-6M GPS module to the pins on your Arduino Mega 2560 board. The connections are:
+5V - 5V
RX - TX1(pin 18)
TX - RX1(pin 19)
Connect the GPS antenna to the GPS module. GPS Fix can be easily acquired in locations that have a clear view of the sky. Wait for the GPS module to acquire satellite signals(Fix).This can be verified by checking the Fix LED of your GPS module
Create GPS Object
Create an arduino
object and include the Serial library.
a = arduino('COM6','Mega2560','Libraries','Serial');
Create the GPS sensor object.
gps = gpsdev(a)
gps = gpsdev with properties: SerialPort: 1 BaudRate: 9600 (bits/s) SamplesPerRead: 1 ReadMode: "latest" SamplesRead: 0 SamplesAvailable: 0 Show all properties, functions
Read the GPS data
Read the GPS data and extract latitude, longitude, and time from it.
gpsData =; latitude = gpsData.LLA(1); longitude = gpsData.LLA(2); gpsTime = gpsData.GPSReceiverTime; % GPS returns UTC datetime. Convert it into system time zone. gpsTime.TimeZone = 'local';
Plot the position in a map along with the timestamp
Plot the position in geographic axes with the data obtained from the GPS module. GPS should have fix to get valid values for latitude, longitude and gpsTime
If the GPS module does not have fix, the above commands give NaN
s for latitude and longitude and NaT
for gpsTime
. In this case, make sure the antenna is exposed to clear sky and wait for some time and try the above steps again.
if(~isnan(latitude) && ~isnan(longitude)) % plot the position in geographic coordinates fig = geoplot(latitude,longitude,'Marker',"o",'MarkerSize',6,'Color','red','MarkerFaceColor','red'); % Sets the latitude and longitude limits of the base Map geolimits([latitude-0.05,latitude+0.05],[longitude-0.05,longitude+0.05]) ; % Selects the basemap geobasemap streets; timeString = strcat("Timestamp: ",string(gpsTime)); % Create annotation and display time received from GPS annotation('textbox', [0.005, 0.98, 0.6, 0.01], 'FitBoxToText','on','string', timeString,'Color','blue','FontSize',10); end
This image shows the GPS location.
Clean Up
When the connection is no longer needed, clear the associated object.
delete(gps); clear gps; clear a;