Use BeagleBone Black ADC to Capture Analog Data
This example shows how to use the BeagleBone® Black ADC to perform a simple voltage measurement using a potentiometer.
The BeagleBone Black hardware has six analog-to-digital converter (ADC) modules
associated with six analog input pins. You can use these pins to measure positive
voltages in the range 0
) -
In addition to your BeagleBone Black board and USB cable, you must have the following equipment:
1 10 kΩ potentiometer
Breadboard and jumper cables
The potentiometer (POT) is a three-terminal device with terminals
1 and 3 comprising the end points of a resistor embedded in the POT.
The second terminal is connected to a variable wiper. As the wiper
moves, the resistance values across terminals 1 and 2 and terminals
2 and 3 change. In this circuit, POT acts as a variable voltage divider.
As you move the knob of the potentiometer, the voltage seen at terminal
2 changes between 1.8
and 0
Never connect a voltage greater than
1.8 V
across the ADC pins. Voltages greater than1.8 V
can damage the board.Always connect the negative (ground) side of a voltage source to
. The ADC measures positive voltages only. A reversed connection can damage the board.
Configure the BeagleBone Black hardware.
Insert a black probe lead into the
socket (P8_34
).Insert a white probe lead into the
socket (P8_32
).Insert a red probe lead into the
socket (P8_39
)Connect the white lead to terminal 1 of the POT. Connect the black lead to terminal 3 of the POT. Connect the red lead to terminal 2 of the POT.
Start MATLAB®.
Connect the BeagleBone Black board to a host computer USB port and wait about 30 seconds for the board to start.
Connect the BeagleBone Black driver interface to the board.
bbb = beaglebone
bbb = beaglebone with properties: DeviceAddress: '' BoardName: 'BeagleBone Black Rev 00C0' AvailableLEDs: {'USR0' 'USR1' 'USR2' 'USR3'} AvailableDigitalPins: {1x29 cell} AvailableAnalogPins: {'AIN0' 'AIN1' 'AIN2' 'AIN3' 'AIN4' 'AIN5' 'AIN6'} AvailablePWMPins: {} AvailableSPIChannels: {} AvailableI2CBuses: {'i2c-1'} AvailableSerialPorts: {} AvailableWebcams: {}
Verify that
is an available analog pin.bbb.AvailableAnalogPins
ans = 'AIN0' 'AIN1' 'AIN2' 'AIN3' 'AIN4' 'AIN5' 'AIN6'
Set the POT to its lowest position. Read the voltage.
v_AA = readVoltage(bbb, 'AIN0')
vv_AA = 1.8
Set the POT to its highest position. Read the voltage.
v_AA = readVoltage(bbb, 'AIN0')
vv_AA = 0.0