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Returns updated track positions and position covariance matrix

Since R2021a


positions = getTrackPositions(tracks,modelName) returns a matrix of track positions based on tracks and the model name.

positions = getTrackPositions(tracks,positionSelector) returns a matrix of track positions based on tracks and the position selector.

[positions,positionCovariances] = getTrackPositions(___) also returns the track position covariance matrices.


Input Arguments

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Object tracks, specified as an array of objectTrack objects or an array of structures containing sufficient information to obtain the track position information. At a minimum, these structures must contain a State column vector field and a positive-definite StateCovariance matrix field. For a sample track structure, see toStruct.


If you specify tracks as an empty objectTrack object, an empty cell, or an empty track structure, positions and positionCovariances are returned based on the second argument (positionSelector or modelName) as follows.

Second input argumentpositionspositionCovariances

positions is returned as a zeros(0,D) vector, where D is the row-dimension of the position selector. In this case, if the positonSelector is specified in single-precision, the positions output is in single-precision.

positionCovariances is returned as a zeros(D,D,0) matrix, where D is the row-dimension of the position selector. In this case, if the positonSelector is specified in single-precision, the positionCovariances output is in single-precision.


positions is returned as a zeros(0,3) vector.

positionCovariances is returned as a zeros(3,3,0) matrix.

Motion model name, specified as one of these options:

  • "constvel" — The function obtains the position states based on the state definition in the constvel function.

  • "constacc" — The function obtains the position states based on the state definition in the constacc function.

  • "constturn" — The function obtains the position states based on the state definition in the constturn function.

  • "singer" — The function obtains the position states based on the state definition in the singer (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox) function. The use of singer model requires the Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox™.

Position selector, specified as a D-by-N real-valued matrix of ones and zeros. D is the number of dimensions of the tracker. N is the size of the state vector. Using this matrix, the function extracts track positions from the state vector. Multiply the state vector by position selector matrix returns positions. The same selector is applied to all object tracks.

Output Arguments

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Positions of tracked objects at last update time, returned as a real-valued M-by-D matrix. D represents the number of position elements. M represents the number of tracks.

Position covariance matrices of tracked objects, returned as a real-valued D-by-D-M array. D represents the number of position elements. M represents the number of tracks. Each D-by-D submatrix is a position covariance matrix for a track.

More About

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Position Selector for 2-Dimensional Motion

Show the position selection matrix for two-dimensional motion when the state consists of the position and velocity.


Position Selector for 3-Dimensional Motion

Show the position selection matrix for three-dimensional motion when the state consists of the position and velocity.


Position Selector for 3-Dimensional Motion with Acceleration

Show the position selection matrix for three-dimensional motion when the state consists of the position, velocity, and acceleration.


Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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See Also

