Norms and Singular Values
For MIMO systems the transfer functions are matrices, and relevant measures of gain are determined by singular values, H∞, and H2 norms, which are defined as follows:
H2 and H∞ Norms
The H2-norm is the energy of the impulse response of plant
. The H∞-norm is the peak gain of
across all frequencies and all input directions.
Another important concept is the notion of singular values.
Singular Values:
The singular values of a rank r matrix , denoted σi, are the nonnegative square roots of the eigenvalues of ordered such that σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ ... ≥σp > 0, p ≤ min{m, n}.
If r < p then there are p – r zero singular values, i.e., σr+1 = σr+2 = ... =σp = 0.
The greatest singular value σ1 is sometimes denoted
When A is a square n-by-n matrix, then the nth singular value (i.e., the least singular value) is denoted
Properties of Singular Values
Some useful properties of singular values are:
These properties are especially important because they establish that the greatest and least singular values of a matrix A are the maximal and minimal "gains" of the matrix as the input vector x varies over all possible directions.
For stable continuous-time LTI systems G(s), the H2-norm and the H∞-norms are defined terms of the frequency-dependent singular values of G(jω):
where sup denotes the least upper bound.