Systems with Unmodeled Dynamics
The unstructured uncertain dynamic system Control Design Block, the udyn
object, represents completely unknown multivariable, time-varying nonlinear
For practical purposes, these uncertain elements represent noncommuting symbolic variables
(placeholders). All algebraic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication (i.e.,
cascade) operate properly, and substitution (with usubs
) is allowed. However, all of the analysis tools (e.g., robstab
) do not handle these types of uncertain elements.
You can create a 2-by-3 udyn
element. Check its size, and
m = udyn('m',[2 3])
m = Uncertain dynamics "m" with 2 outputs and 3 inputs.
NominalValue: [2×3 ss] AutoSimplify: 'basic' Name: 'm' Ts: 0 TimeUnit: 'seconds' InputName: {3×1 cell} InputUnit: {3×1 cell} InputGroup: [1×1 struct] OutputName: {2×1 cell} OutputUnit: {2×1 cell} OutputGroup: [1×1 struct] Notes: [0×1 string] UserData: []