Get Started with MATLAB Report Generator
MATLAB® Report Generator™ provides functions and APIs that integrate reporting capabilities into MATLAB applications. You can develop programs that generate reports in PDF, Microsoft® Word, Microsoft PowerPoint®, and HTML. MATLAB Report Generator enables you to dynamically capture results and figures from your MATLAB code and document those results in a single report that can be shared with others in your organization. You can use the prebuilt, customizable Word and HTML templates or design reports based on your organization’s templates and standards.
- Create a Report Generator
Create a MATLAB program to generate an HTML report.
- Create a Presentation Generator
Create a MATLAB program to generate a PowerPoint presentation.
About Report Generators
- What Are Reporters?
Get an overview of reporters and how to use them, and an overview of Report and DOM APIs.
- Output Types and Report Generator Packages
Available Report Generator outputs and how they are packaged.
- Java Memory Usage
Java® heap space maximization for PDF reports.