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PDF Page Layout

Page layout in a PDF report


This component generates a page layout definition for a section of a PDF report. The page layout definition specifies the size and orientation of pages in the section, the sizes of the section’s page margins, and the format and starting value of the section’s page numbers. It can optionally define a watermark to appear in the background of each page in the section.

You can create instances of this component interactively or from report templates. For more information, see Define Page Layouts in a Form-Based Report Setup.

Page Numbering

  • First page number: Number of the first page in this page layout section.

    • Auto: The number of the first page of this layout. If you are using a template, the value is the first page number defined in the template from which this layout was generated. If you create this layout interactively, numbering continues from the previous page layout section.

    • Specify: Specify the first page number as an integer.

  • Page number format: Format of the page numbers in this page layout section:

    • None: Use Arabic numerals, the default formatting for page numbers.

    • Lower case alphabetic

    • Upper case alphabetic

    • Lower case roman numerals

    • Upper case roman numerals

    • Arabic numerals

  • Section break: Where to start this section:

    • Next Page: Start this page layout on a new page immediately following the last page of the previous section.

    • Odd Page: Start this page layout on a new page, immediately after the last page of the previous section. If the previous section ended on an odd page, insert an empty page at the end of the last section.

    • Even Page: Start this page layout on a new page, immediately after the last page of the previous section. If the previous section ended on an even page, insert an empty page at the end of the previous section.

Page Margin Options

  • Page Margin:

    • Auto: If this layout component was generated from a template, use the margin values specified by the template. Otherwise, use default values.

    • Specify: Specify the size of the page margins in the form valueUnits. Use any of these values for units:

      • "px" — pixels

      • "cm" — centimeters

      • "in" — inches

      • "mm" — millimeters

      • "pc" — picas

      • "pt" — points

  • Top: Size of top page margin. The default value is 1in.

  • Bottom: Size of bottom page margin. The default value is 1in.

  • Left: Size of left page margin. The default value is 1in.

  • Right: Size of right page margin. The default value is 1in.

  • Header: Size of header area. The default value is 0.5in.

  • Footer: Size of footer area. The default value is 0.5in.

  • Gutter: Size of gutter (area for binding pages). The default value is 0px.

Page Size Options

  • Page Size: If this layout component was generated from a template, selecting Auto uses the values specified in the template. Otherwise, selecting Auto uses default values.

    Select Specify to enter your own page height, width, or orientation. Specify the units in the form valueUnits. Use any of these values for units:

    • "px" — pixels

    • "cm" — centimeters

    • "in" — inches

    • "mm" — millimeters

    • "pc" — picas

    • "pt" — points

Watermark Options

These options allow you to include a watermark in this section of your report. A watermark is an image that appears in the background of the page. For example, a watermark can indicate that the section is confidential or a draft. You can include a watermark in a page layout in your template. See Watermarks in PDF Page Layouts.

  • File name: Specifies the path of the image file to use as the watermark for this section. If this layout component was generated from a template and the template specifies a watermark, displays the watermark image path specified in the template. You can override the value. If the template does not specify a path or you created this component interactively, no path name appears. In either case, you can specify an image path to create a watermark. The image file must use one of these formats:

    • .emf

    • .gif

    • .jpg

    • .pdf

    • .png

    • .svg

    • .tiff

  • Scaling:

    • Auto: Use the image size in the image file.

    • Specify: Scale the image to the specified height and width.

Insert Anything into Report?

Yes, inserts a page layout.



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