Board IP address
IP address of board
Model Configuration Pane: Hardware Implementation / Simulink or Embedded Coder Hardware Support Package / Hardware board settings / Target hardware resources / Ethernet
Use this option for setting the IP address of the board. If the default board IP address is in use by another device, you would need to change the address.
(default)Use this option for setting the IP address of the board. If the default board IP address is in use by another device, you would need to change the address.
If so, change the board IP address according to these guidelines:
The subnet address, typically the first 3 bytes of the board IP address, must be the same as the first 3 bytes of the host IP address.
The last byte of the board IP address must be different from the last byte of the host IP address.
The board IP address must not conflict with the IP addresses of other computers. For example, if the host IP address is
, then you can use192.168.8.3
, if available.
Recommended Settings
No recommendation.
Programmatic Use
No programmatic use is available. |
Version History
Introduced in R2016a