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Library of built-in components


BuiltInLibrary is a SimBiology® root object property containing all built-in components namely, unit, unit-prefixes, and kinetic laws that are shipped with the SimBiology product. You cannot add, modify, or delete components in the built-in library. The BuiltInLibrary property is an object that contains the following properties:

  • Units — contains all units that are shipped with the SimBiology product. You can specify units for compartment capacity, species amounts and parameter values, to do dimensional analysis and unit conversion during simulation. You can display the built-in units either by using the command sbiowhos -builtin -unit, or by accessing the root object.

  • UnitPrefixes — contains all unit-prefixes that are shipped with the SimBiology product. You can specify unit—prefixes in combination with a valid unit for compartment capacity, species amounts and parameter values, to do dimensional analysis and unit conversion during simulation. You can display the built-in unit-prefixes either by using the command sbiowhos -builtin -unitprefix, or by accessing the root object.

  • KineticLaws — contains all kinetic laws that are shipped with the SimBiology product. Use the command sbiowhos -builtin -kineticlaw to see the list of built-in kinetic laws. You can use built-in kinetic laws when you use the command addkineticlaw to create a kinetic law object for a reaction object. Refer to the kinetic law by name when you create the kinetic law object, for example, kineticlawObj = addkineticlaw(reactionObj, 'Henri-Michaelis-Menten');

    See Kinetic Law Definition for a definition and more information.



Applies toObject: root
Data typeobject
Data valuesUnit, unit-prefix, and abstract kinetic law objects

Characteristics for BuiltInLibrary properties:

  • Units

    Applies toBuiltInLibrary property
    Data typeunit objects
    Data valuesunits

  • UnitPrefixes

    Applies toBuiltInLibrary property
    Data typeunit prefix objects
    Data valuesunit prefixes
  • KineticLaws

    Applies toBuiltInLibrary property
    Data typeAbstract kinetic law object
    Data valueskinetic laws


Example 1

This example uses the command sbiowhos to show the current list of built-in components.

sbiowhos -builtin -kineticlaw
sbiowhos -builtin -unit
sbiowhos -builtin -unitprefix

Example 2

This example shows the current list of built-in components by accessing the root object.

rootObj = sbioroot;
get(rootObj.BuiltinLibrary, 'KineticLaws')
get(rootObj.BuiltinLibrary, 'Units')
get(rootObj.BuiltinLibrary, 'UnitPrefixes')