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Equivalent Baseband Library

Use Equivalent Baseband Library

The RF Blockset™ Equivalent Baseband library provides components to model RF systems within the Simulink® environment. This library extends your Simulink modeling environment with a library of blocks that can be used to model RF systems that include RF filters, transmission lines, amplifiers, and mixers. The blocks from this library model physical and electrical components when you specify physical properties or import measured data.

The Equivalent Baseband library blocks represents the components of your RF system in a Simulink model. The blockset provides several types of component representations using network parameters (S, Y, Z, ABCD, H, and T format), mathematical descriptions, and physical properties. In the Simulink model, components are cascaded to represent an RF architecture and the model is simulated. During simulation, the model computes a time-domain complex-baseband representation. This method results in fast simulation of the quadrature modeling schemes used in communication systems and enables compatibility with other Simulink blocks.

A validated Simulink model of an RF system can provide an executable specification for RF circuit design of wireless communication systems. The blocks from this library let you visualize their specified network parameters using plots and Smith® charts or noise and power budget curves. Additionally, using this library you can generate embeddable C code for real-time execution using Simulink Coder™.

Open Equivalent Baseband Library

To open the main library window, type this MATLAB® Command Window.


Each yellow block in the window represents a library.

RF blockset library window is displayed

Double-click the Equivalent Baseband block to open the library.

Seven equivalent baseband sub-libraries are displayed

This table describes the sublibraries and the types of available models.

Ladder FiltersTo design RF filters specified using LC parameters. The software calculates the network parameters and noise data of the blocks from the topology of the filter and the LC values.
Series/Shunt RLCTo model series and shunt RLC components for designing the lumped element cascades specified using RLC parameters.
Transmission LinesTo design various types of transmission lines specified using physical dimensions and electrical characteristics.
Black BoxTo design passive RF components specified using network parameters, or a data file containing these parameters.
AmplifiersTo design RF amplifiers specified using network parameters, noise data, and nonlinearity data or a data file containing these parameters.
MixersTo design RF mixers that contain local oscillators specified using network parameters, noise data, and nonlinearity data or a data file containing these parameters.
Input/Output PortsTo specify simulation information pertaining to all blocks in a physical subsystem, such as center frequency and sample time. A physical subsystem is a collection of one or more physical blocks bracketed by an Input Port block and an Output Port block that bridge the physical and mathematical parts of the model.

For more information on defining components, see Specify or Import Component Data.

Understanding Equivalent Baseband Environment

The Equivalent Baseband environment comprises of groups of interconnected Equivalent Baseband library blocks and algorithms that model an RF system. In the Equivalent Baseband environment, all blocks fall into one of the two categories.

Blocks Operating Within Equivalent Baseband Environment

These blocks contribute to the physical representation of an RF system. Most Equivalent Baseband library blocks fall into this category. For example, a RLC network can model a source impedance or part of a matching network, and a General Amplifier block can model a physical RF amplifier. Both blocks model physical components. Each of these blocks have two ports and can be exclusively connected to model a chain configuration.

Blocks Operating Between Equivalent Baseband and Simulink Environments

These blocks, also called cross-domain blocks, provide an interface from an RF system to a larger design. The Input Port and the Output Port blocks fall into this category. For example, you can construct a signal using blocks from Communications Toolbox™ or DSP System Toolbox™ libraries, and you can input that signal into an RF chain using the Input Port block. The Input Port block also controls the simulation parameters as described in the Create Complex Baseband-Equivalent Model section.

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