Pneumatic Motor Circuit
This example shows how a pneumatic vane motor can be modeled using the Simscape™ language. The Pneumatic Motor component is built using the Simscape Foundation gas domain. It inherits from the foundation.gas.two_port_steady
base class, which contains common equations that implement the upwind energy flow rate and the gas properties at the ports. The Pneumatic Motor subclass implements equations that describe behaviors specific to the component, such as the motor torque and flow rate characteristics and the mass and energy balance. The Pneumatic Motor block is inserted into the model using the Simscape Component block without the need to generate a separate library.
The motor is controlled by the Directional Valve, which is a masked subsystem created from Variable Local Restriction (G) blocks to model the opening and closing of the flow paths. During the simulation, the valve spool moves to its maximum positive displacement, causing the motor to spin up in the positive direction. The valve spool is then centered and the motor brakes back to zero speed. Next, the valve spool moves to its maximum negative displacement, causing the motor to spin up in the negative direction. The valve spool is then centered and the motor again brakes back to zero speed.