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Get path that identifies block or line


path = getfullname(handle) returns the full path that identifies the block or line specified by handle. If you specify multiple block or line handles, the function returns a cell array of paths.



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Open the example. Then, open the vdp model.


In the model, interactively select the block named Mu.

Get the path that identifies the currently selected block.

blkpath = getfullname(gcb)
blkpath = 

Open the example. Then, open the vdp model.


In the model, select the signal line that connects to the output port of the block named Mu.

Get the handle of the currently selected line.

line = find_system(gcs, 'SearchDepth', 1, 'FindAll', 'on', ...
      'Type', 'line', 'Selected', 'on');

Get the path that identifies the currently selected line.

linepath = getfullname(line);

To display the path, enter this command in the MATLAB® Command Window.


The path describes the source port of the line.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Block or line, specified as a handle or cell array of handles.

Example: getfullname(gcb)

Example: getfullname({handle1,handle2})

Data Types: double | cell

Version History

Introduced in R2007a

See Also


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