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Class: slreq.ReqSet
Namespace: slreq

Update information for requirement set custom attribute

Since R2020b




updateAttribute(rs,atrb,Name,Value) updates the custom attribute specified by atrb with properties specified by the name-value pairs Name and Value in the requirement set rs.

Input Arguments

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Requirement set, specified as an slreq.ReqSet object.

Custom attribute name, specified as a character array.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'Description','My new description.'

Custom attribute description, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Description' and a character array.

Example: 'Description','My new description.'

Combobox list options, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'List' and a cell array. The list of options is valid only if 'Unset' is the first entry. 'Unset' indicates that the user hasn't chosen an option from the combo box. If the list does not start with 'Unset', it will be automatically appended as the first entry.

Example: 'List',{'Unset','A','B','C'}


You can only use this name-value pair when the Type property of the custom attribute that you're updating is Combobox.


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This example shows how to update custom attribute information for a requirement set.

Load crs_req_func_spec, which describes a cruise control system. Find a requirement set in the files and assign it to a variable.

rs = slreq.find('Type','ReqSet');

Update an Edit Custom Attribute

Add an Edit custom attribute that has a description to the requirement set. Get the attribute information with inspectAttribute.

addAttribute(rs,'MyEditAttribute','Edit','Description','Original attribute.')
ans = struct with fields:
           name: 'MyEditAttribute'
           type: Edit
    description: 'Original attribute.'

Update the custom attribute with a new description. Confirm the change by getting the attribute information with inspectAttribute.

updateAttribute(rs,'MyEditAttribute','Description','Updated attribute.')
ans = struct with fields:
           name: 'MyEditAttribute'
           type: Edit
    description: 'Updated attribute.'

Update a Combobox Custom Attribute

Add a Combobox custom attribute that has a list of options to the requirement set. Get the attribute information with inspectAttribute.

ans = struct with fields:
           name: 'MyCombobox'
           type: Combobox
    description: ''
           list: {'Unset'  'A'  'B'  'C'}

Update the custom attribute with a new list of options. Confirm the change by getting the attribute information with inspectAttribute.

ans = struct with fields:
           name: 'MyCombobox'
           type: Combobox
    description: ''
           list: {'Unset'  '1'  '2'  '3'}

Update the custom attribute with a new list of options and a new description. Confirm the change by getting the attribute information with inspectAttribute.

    'Updated attribute with new options.')
ans = struct with fields:
           name: 'MyCombobox'
           type: Combobox
    description: 'Updated attribute with new options.'
           list: {'Unset'  'A1'  'B2'  'B3'}

Version History

Introduced in R2020b