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Class: sltest.testmanager.TestCase
Namespace: sltest.testmanager

Get test iterations that belong to test case


iterArray = getIterations(tc)
iterArray = getIterations(tc,iterName)


iterArray = getIterations(tc) returns one or more test iterations that belong to the test case.


Because test cases do not store scripted iterations after simulation, getIterations returns only table iterations.

iterArray = getIterations(tc,iterName) returns one or more test iteration objects with the specified name that belong to the test case.

Input Arguments

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Test case that you want to get the iteration from, specified as a sltest.testmanager.TestCase object.

Test iteration name, specified as a character vector. This is an optional argument.

Example: 'Test Iteration 5'

Output Arguments

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Test iterations that belong to the test case, returned as an array of sltest.testmanager.TestIteration objects.


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Open the model for this example.


Create the test file, test suite, and test case structure.

tf = sltest.testmanager.TestFile('Iterations Test File');
ts = getTestSuites(tf);
tc = createTestCase(ts,'simulation','Simulation Iterations');

Specify model as system under test.


Set up table iteration and create an iteration object. Set the iteration parameters and add the iteration to the test case.

testItr1 = sltestiteration;
setTestParam(testItr1,'SignalBuilderGroup','Passing Maneuver');

Set up another table iteration and create an iteration object. Set the iteration parameters and add the iteration to the test case.

testItr2 = sltestiteration;

Get the iterations.

iters = getIterations(tc);

Version History

Introduced in R2016a