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(Not Recommended) Access dataset array properties

The dataset data type is not recommended. To work with heterogeneous data, use the MATLAB® table data type instead. See MATLAB table documentation for more information.


s = get(A)
p = get(A,PropertyName)
p = get(A,{PropertyName1,PropertyName2,...})


get(A) displays a list of property/value pairs for the dataset array A.

s = get(A) returns the values in a scalar structure s with field names given by the properties.

p = get(A,PropertyName) returns the value of the property specified by PropertyName.

p = get(A,{PropertyName1,PropertyName2,...}) allows multiple property names to be specified and returns their values in a cell array.


Create a dataset array from Fisher's iris data and access the information.

load fisheriris
NumObs = size(meas,1);
NameObs = strcat({'Obs'},num2str((1:NumObs)','%-d'));
iris = dataset({nominal(species),'species'},...

   Description: ''
   Units: {}
   DimNames: {'Observations' 'Variables'}
   UserData: []
   ObsNames: {150x1 cell}
   VarNames: {'species' 'SL' 'SW' 'PL' 'PW'}

ON = get(iris,'ObsNames');
ans = 

See Also


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