F2838x-M4 TCP Receive
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset /
F2838x /
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset /
F28M35x /
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset /
F28M36x /
The TCP Receive block receives data from a remote host or other target hardware over a network. The server(client mode) must be up and running before deploying the model that contains the TCP Receive block to the target.
The block outputs data either in blocking mode or in non-blocking mode. In blocking mode, the model blocks the execution while it waits for the requested data to be available. In non-blocking mode, the model runs continuously. To set the block in blocking mode, select the Wait until data received option.
At each time step, the Data port outputs data as a vector of the size specified in the Data size (N) parameter. The Status port outputs 0 or a nonzero value indicating whether new data is received. 0 at the Status port indicates that a valid data is received.
Your antivirus software or firewall might block TCP traffic. Configure the software to allow traffic from a specific IP port number.
Due to RAM memory limitations on the F2838x(ARM Cortex-M4), loading application to RAM is not supported for this block.
CPU Timer 2 of F2838x Arm Cortex-M core (Connectivity Manager) provides time base to lwIP stack. It is configured to trigger an interrupt every 1 ms. This timer should not be re-configured if Ethernet blocks are being used in the model. If the corresponding interrupt is armed through Hardware Interrupt block, it will run the interrupt handler every 1 ms.
Version History
Introduced in R2020b