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Mapped Motor

Mapped motor and drive electronics operating in torque-control mode

  • Mapped Motor block

Powertrain Blockset / Propulsion / Electric Motors and Inverters
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset / Powertrain / Propulsion


The Mapped Motor block implements a mapped motor and drive electronics operating in torque-control mode. The output torque tracks the torque reference demand while including a time constant for the combined motor and motor drive. Use the block for fast system-level simulations when you do not know detailed physical parameters of the motor, for example, for motor power and torque tradeoff studies.

You can specify:

  • Port configuration — Input torque or motor shaft speed.

  • Electrical torque range — Parameterize by a torque-speed envelope, maximum motor power and torque, or a torque-speed-voltage envelope. If you have your own torque torque-speed-voltage envelope, you can directly import it.

  • Electrical loss — Parameterize by using a single measured operating point, a measured loss table, or a measured efficiency table. If you have Model-Based Calibration Toolbox™, you can virtually calibrate the measured loss table. If you have your own calibration table, you can directly import it.

Electrical Torque

To specify the range of torque that the block allows, on the Electrical Torque tab, for Parameterized by, select one of these options.

SettingBlock Implementation
Tabulated torque-speed envelope

Range specified as a set of shaft speed data points with corresponding maximum torque values. Minimum torque is set to the negative of maximum torque.

Maximum torque and power

Range specified using the maximum torque and maximum power values.

Tabulated torque-speed-voltage envelope

Range specified as a set of speed and voltage data points with their corresponding maximum and minimum torque values.

To directly import your own torque-limits calibration tables, click Import Torque Limits Calibration.

For any of these methods, the block implements a torque envelope similar to the one in this figure. If Parameterized by is set to Tabulated torque-speed-voltage envelope, the envelope adds voltage as a third axis.

Plot of torque envelope versus speed, indicating permissible steady-state operation

Direct Import of Electrical Torque

If you have your own torque-speed-voltage envelope calibration, you can directly import it. This table steps through the tasks.



Select parameterization

On the Electrical Torque tab, set Parameterized by to Tabulated torque-speed-voltage envelope.

Select electrical torque calibration data file

Navigate to the calibration data file folder, for example, <matlabroot>/toolbox/autoblks/.

Select the calibration data file, for example, MotorCalibrationImportData.xlsx.

Click Open.

Import torque limits data

Click Import Torque Limits Calibration. The block reads and imports the data in the spreadsheet MaxTorque and MinTorque tabs.

Electrical Losses

To specify the electrical losses, on the Electrical Losses tab, for Parameterize losses by, select one of these options.

SettingBlock Implementation
Single efficiency measurement

Efficiency calculated using three loss terms. One term is constant, and measured at zero speed and torque:

  • Fixed losses independent of torque and speed, P0. Use P0 to account for fixed converter losses.

Two terms depend on operating conditions. The block determines their coefficients from the efficiency η0 measured at an efficiency setpoint, where motor torque is τ0 and motor speed is ω0:

  • A torque-dependent electrical loss kτ2, where k is a constant and τ is the torque. This term represents ohmic losses in the copper windings.

  • A speed-dependent electrical loss kwω2, where kw is a constant and ω is the speed. This term represents iron losses due to eddy currents.

Tabulated loss data

Loss calibration lookup table that is a function of motor speed and load torque.

If you have Model-Based Calibration Toolbox, click Calibrate Maps to virtually calibrate the 2-D lookup table using measured data.

Tabulated loss data with temperature

Loss calibration lookup table that is a function of motor speed, load torque, and operating temperature.

If you have Model-Based Calibration Toolbox, click Calibrate Maps to virtually calibrate the 3-D lookup table using measured data.

Tabulated loss data with temperature and voltage

Loss calibration lookup table that is a function of load torque, motor speed, voltage, and operating temperature.

To directly import your own 4-D loss calibration table, click Import Loss Calibration.

Tabulated efficiency data

2-D efficiency calibration lookup table that is a function of motor speed and load torque. The block:

  • Converts the efficiency values you provide into losses and uses the tabulated losses for simulation.

  • Ignores efficiency values you provide for zero speed or zero torque. Losses are assumed zero when either torque or speed is zero.

  • Uses linear interpolation to determine losses. Provide tabulated data for low speed and low torque values, as required, to get the desired level of accuracy for lower power conditions.

  • Does not extrapolate loss values for speed and torque magnitudes that exceed the range of the table.

Tabulated efficiency data with temperature

3-D efficiency calibration lookup table that is a function of motor speed, load torque, and operating temperature. The block:

  • Converts the efficiency values you provide into losses and uses the tabulated losses for simulation.

  • Ignores efficiency values you provide for zero speed or zero torque. Losses are assumed zero when either torque or speed is zero.

  • Uses linear interpolation to determine losses. Provide tabulated data at low speed and low torque values, as required, to get the desired level of accuracy for lower power conditions.

  • Does not extrapolate loss values for speed, torque, or temperature magnitudes that exceed the range of the table.

Tabulated efficiency data with temperature and voltage

Efficiency calibration lookup table that is a function of load torque, motor speed, voltage, and operating temperature.

To directly import your own 4-D efficiency calibration table, click Import Efficiency Calibration. The block:

  • Converts the efficiency values you provide into losses and uses the tabulated losses for simulation.

  • Ignores efficiency values you provide for zero speed or zero torque. Losses are assumed zero when either torque or speed is zero.

  • Uses linear interpolation to determine losses. Provide tabulated data for low speed and low torque values, as required, to get the desired level of accuracy for lower power conditions.

  • Does not extrapolate loss values for speed, torque, temperature, or voltage magnitudes that exceed the range of the table.

As a best practice, use Tabulated loss data, Tabulated loss data with temperature, or Tabulated loss data with temperature and voltage instead of Tabulated efficiency data, Tabulated efficiency data with temperature, or Tabulated efficiency data with temperature and voltage:

  • Efficiency becomes ill-defined for zero speed or zero torque.

  • You can account for fixed losses that are still present for zero speed or torque.


Due to losses, the motor drive system can draw a current when the motor torque is zero.

Virtual Calibration of Electrical Losses

If you have Model-Based Calibration Toolbox, you can virtually calibrate a 2-D or 3-D measured loss lookup table.

  1. On the Electrical Losses tab, set Parameterize losses by to either:

    • Tabulated loss data

    • Tabulated loss data with temperature

  2. Click Calibrate Maps.

The dialog box steps through these tasks.



Import loss data

Import loss data from a file, for example, open <matlabroot>/toolbox/autoblks/autoblksshared/mbctemplates/MappedMotorDataset.xlsx.

For more information, see Using Data (Model-Based Calibration Toolbox).

Parameterize losses by

Required Data

Tabulated loss data
  • Motor speed, rad/s

  • Motor torque, N·m

  • Power loss, W

Tabulated loss data with temperature
  • Motor speed, rad/s

  • Motor torque, N·m

  • Motor temperature, K

  • Power loss, W

Collect motor data at steady-state operating conditions. Data should cover the motor speed, torque, and temperature operating range.

To filter or edit the data, select Edit in Application. The Model-Based Calibration Toolbox Data Editor opens.

Generate response models

Model-Based Calibration Toolbox uses test plans to fit data to Gaussian process models (GPMs).

To assess or adjust the response model fit, select Edit in Application. The Model-Based Calibration Toolbox Model Browser opens. For more information, see Model Assessment (Model-Based Calibration Toolbox).

Generate calibration

Model-Based Calibration Toolbox calibrates the response model and generates the calibrated table.

To assess or adjust the calibration, select Edit in Application. The Model-Based Calibration Toolbox CAGE Browser opens. For more information, see Calibration Lookup Tables (Model-Based Calibration Toolbox).

Update block parameters

Update these parameters with the calibration.

Parameterize losses by


Tabulated loss data
  • Speed breakpoints for losses, w_eff_bp

  • Torque breakpoints for losses, T_eff_bp

  • Loss table, losses_table

Tabulated loss data with temperature
  • Speed breakpoints for losses, w_eff_bp

  • Torque breakpoints for losses, T_eff_bp

  • Temperature breakpoints for losses, Temp_eff_bp

  • Loss table, losses_table_3d

Direct Import of Electrical Losses

If you have your own loss calibration versus torque, speed, voltage, and temperature, you can directly import it. This table steps through the tasks.



Select parameterization

On the Electrical Losses tab, set Parameterize losses by to Tabulated loss data with temperature and voltage.

Select calibration data file

Navigate to the calibration data file folder, for example, <matlabroot>/toolbox/autoblks/.

Select the calibration data file, for example, MotorCalibrationImportData.xlsx.

Click Open.

Import loss data

Click Import Loss Calibration. The block reads and imports the data in the spreadsheet PowerLoss tab.

Direct Import of Electrical Efficiency

If you have your own efficiency calibration versus torque, speed, voltage, and temperature, you can directly import it. This table steps through the tasks.



Select parameterization

On the Electrical Losses tab, set Parameterize losses by to Tabulated efficiency data with temperature and voltage.

Select calibration data file

Navigate to the calibration data file folder, for example, <matlabroot>/toolbox/autoblks/.

Select the calibration data file, for example, MotorCalibrationImportData.xlsx.

Click Open.

Import efficiency data

Click Import Efficiency Calibration. The block reads and imports the data in the spreadsheet Efficiency tab.

Battery Current

The block calculates the battery current using the mechanical power, power loss, and battery voltage. Positive current indicates battery discharge. Negative current indicates battery charge.


The equation uses these variables.


Battery voltage


Mechanical power


Power loss


Battery current

Power Accounting

For power accounting, the block implements these equations.

Bus Signal DescriptionDefinitionUnits



  • Positive signals indicate power flow into the block.

  • Negative signals indicate power flow out of the block.


Mechanical power

Pmot= Teω



Electrical power

Pbus= BattVolt×BattAmp



  • Negative signals indicate power loss to heat.


Motor power loss — includes electrical and mechanical losses

Ploss,total= PwrLoss+PdWhere Pd=bω2



  • Positive value indicates kinetic energy increase.


Rotor kinetic energy storage rate

Pstored= Jω˙ω


The equations use these variables.

TeMotor torque applied to shaft, assuming constant rotor speed
ωRotor speed
bRotational damping coefficient


Rotor inertia
PdDamping loss separate from any in loss table
Ploss,totalTotal losses to heat, equal to PwrNotTrnsfrd



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Battery voltage, BattVolt, in V.

Commanded motor torque, Trqcmd, in N·m.

Motor shaft speed, Mtrspd, in rad/s.


To enable this port, set Port configuration to Speed.


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The bus signal contains these block calculations.

Signal DescriptionUnits


Mechanical power



Internal inverter and motor power loss





Mechanical power


Electrical power




Motor power loss


Motor power stored


Battery current draw or demand, Ibatt, in A.

Motor output shaft torque, Mtrtrq, in N·m.

Motor shaft speed, Mtrspd, in rad/s.


To enable this port, set Port configuration to Torque.


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Block Options

This table summarizes the port configurations.

Port ConfigurationEnables Ports


Outport MtrSpd


Input MtrSpd

If you have your own torque-speed-voltage envelope calibration, you can directly import it. This table steps through the tasks.



Select parameterization

On the Electrical Torque tab, set Parameterized by to Tabulated torque-speed-voltage envelope.

Select electrical torque calibration data file

Navigate to the calibration data file folder, for example, <matlabroot>/toolbox/autoblks/.

Select the calibration data file, for example, MotorCalibrationImportData.xlsx.

Click Open.

Import torque limits data

Click Import Torque Limits Calibration. The block reads and imports the data in the spreadsheet MaxTorque and MinTorque tabs.

If you have Model-Based Calibration Toolbox, you can virtually calibrate a 2-D or 3-D measured loss lookup table.

  1. On the Electrical Losses tab, set Parameterize losses by to either:

    • Tabulated loss data

    • Tabulated loss data with temperature

  2. Click Calibrate Maps.

The dialog box steps through these tasks.



Import loss data

Import loss data from a file, for example, open <matlabroot>/toolbox/autoblks/autoblksshared/mbctemplates/MappedMotorDataset.xlsx.

For more information, see Using Data (Model-Based Calibration Toolbox).

Parameterize losses by

Required Data

Tabulated loss data
  • Motor speed, rad/s

  • Motor torque, N·m

  • Power loss, W

Tabulated loss data with temperature
  • Motor speed, rad/s

  • Motor torque, N·m

  • Motor temperature, K

  • Power loss, W

Collect motor data at steady-state operating conditions. Data should cover the motor speed, torque, and temperature operating range.

To filter or edit the data, select Edit in Application. The Model-Based Calibration Toolbox Data Editor opens.

Generate response models

Model-Based Calibration Toolbox uses test plans to fit data to Gaussian process models (GPMs).

To assess or adjust the response model fit, select Edit in Application. The Model-Based Calibration Toolbox Model Browser opens. For more information, see Model Assessment (Model-Based Calibration Toolbox).

Generate calibration

Model-Based Calibration Toolbox calibrates the response model and generates the calibrated table.

To assess or adjust the calibration, select Edit in Application. The Model-Based Calibration Toolbox CAGE Browser opens. For more information, see Calibration Lookup Tables (Model-Based Calibration Toolbox).

Update block parameters

Update these parameters with the calibration.

Parameterize losses by


Tabulated loss data
  • Speed breakpoints for losses, w_eff_bp

  • Torque breakpoints for losses, T_eff_bp

  • Loss table, losses_table

Tabulated loss data with temperature
  • Speed breakpoints for losses, w_eff_bp

  • Torque breakpoints for losses, T_eff_bp

  • Temperature breakpoints for losses, Temp_eff_bp

  • Loss table, losses_table_3d

If you have your own loss calibration versus torque, speed, voltage, and temperature, you can directly import it. This table steps through the tasks.



Select parameterization

On the Electrical Losses tab, set Parameterize losses by to Tabulated loss data with temperature and voltage.

Select calibration data file

Navigate to the calibration data file folder, for example, <matlabroot>/toolbox/autoblks/.

Select the calibration data file, for example, MotorCalibrationImportData.xlsx.

Click Open.

Import loss data

Click Import Loss Calibration. The block reads and imports the data in the spreadsheet PowerLoss tab.

If you have your own efficiency calibration versus torque, speed, voltage, and temperature, you can directly import it. This table steps through the tasks.



Select parameterization

On the Electrical Losses tab, set Parameterize losses by to Tabulated efficiency data with temperature and voltage.

Select calibration data file

Navigate to the calibration data file folder, for example, <matlabroot>/toolbox/autoblks/.

Select the calibration data file, for example, MotorCalibrationImportData.xlsx.

Click Open.

Import efficiency data

Click Import Efficiency Calibration. The block reads and imports the data in the spreadsheet Efficiency tab.

Electrical Torque

SettingBlock Implementation
Tabulated torque-speed envelope

Range specified as a set of shaft speed data points with corresponding maximum torque values. Minimum torque is set to the negative of maximum torque.

Maximum torque and power

Range specified using the maximum torque and maximum power values.

Tabulated torque-speed-voltage envelope

Range specified as a set of speed and voltage data points with their corresponding maximum and minimum torque values.

To directly import your own torque-limits calibration tables, click Import Torque Limits Calibration.

For any of these methods, the block implements a torque envelope similar to the one in this figure. If Parameterized by is set to Tabulated torque-speed-voltage envelope, the envelope adds voltage as a third axis.

Plot of torque envelope versus speed, indicating permissible steady-state operation

Rotational speeds spanning permissible steady-state range, in rad/s. To avoid poor performance due to an infinite slope in the torque-speed curve, specify a vector of rotational speed breakpoints that does not contain duplicate consecutive values.


To create this parameter, for Parameterized by, select Tabulated torque-speed envelope.

Maximum permissible torque values for steady state, in N·m.


To create this parameter, for Parameterized by, select Tabulated torque-speed envelope.

The maximum permissible motor torque, in N·m.


To create this parameter, for Parameterized by, select Maximum torque and power.

The maximum permissible motor power, in W.


To create this parameter, for Parameterized by, select Maximum torque and power.

Time constant with which the motor driver tracks a torque demand, in s.

Maximum permissible torque, including sign, at a given set of speed and voltage breakpoints, in N·m.


To create this parameter, for Parameterized by, select Tabulated torque-speed-voltage envelope.

Speed at each value of maximum torque, in rad/s.


To create this parameter, for Parameterized by, select Tabulated torque-speed-voltage envelope.

Voltage at each value of maximum torque, in rad/s.


To create this parameter, for Parameterized by, select Tabulated torque-speed-voltage envelope.

Minimum permissible torque, including sign, at a given set of speed and voltage breakpoints, in N·m.


To create this parameter, for Parameterized by, select Tabulated torque-speed-voltage envelope.

Speed at each value of minimum torque, in rad/s.


To create this parameter, for Parameterized by, select Tabulated torque-speed-voltage envelope.

Voltage at each value of minimum torque, in rad/s.


To create this parameter, for Parameterized by, select Tabulated torque-speed-voltage envelope.

Electrical Losses

SettingBlock Implementation
Single efficiency measurement

Efficiency calculated using three loss terms. One term is constant, and measured at zero speed and torque:

  • Fixed losses independent of torque and speed, P0. Use P0 to account for fixed converter losses.

Two terms depend on operating conditions. The block determines their coefficients from the efficiency η0 measured at an efficiency setpoint, where motor torque is τ0 and motor speed is ω0:

  • A torque-dependent electrical loss kτ2, where k is a constant and τ is the torque. This term represents ohmic losses in the copper windings.

  • A speed-dependent electrical loss kwω2, where kw is a constant and ω is the speed. This term represents iron losses due to eddy currents.

Tabulated loss data

Loss calibration lookup table that is a function of motor speed and load torque.

If you have Model-Based Calibration Toolbox, click Calibrate Maps to virtually calibrate the 2-D lookup table using measured data.

Tabulated loss data with temperature

Loss calibration lookup table that is a function of motor speed, load torque, and operating temperature.

If you have Model-Based Calibration Toolbox, click Calibrate Maps to virtually calibrate the 3-D lookup table using measured data.

Tabulated loss data with temperature and voltage

Loss calibration lookup table that is a function of load torque, motor speed, voltage, and operating temperature.

To directly import your own 4-D loss calibration table, click Import Loss Calibration.

Tabulated efficiency data

2-D efficiency calibration lookup table that is a function of motor speed and load torque. The block:

  • Converts the efficiency values you provide into losses and uses the tabulated losses for simulation.

  • Ignores efficiency values you provide for zero speed or zero torque. Losses are assumed zero when either torque or speed is zero.

  • Uses linear interpolation to determine losses. Provide tabulated data for low speed and low torque values, as required, to get the desired level of accuracy for lower power conditions.

  • Does not extrapolate loss values for speed and torque magnitudes that exceed the range of the table.

Tabulated efficiency data with temperature

3-D efficiency calibration lookup table that is a function of motor speed, load torque, and operating temperature. The block:

  • Converts the efficiency values you provide into losses and uses the tabulated losses for simulation.

  • Ignores efficiency values you provide for zero speed or zero torque. Losses are assumed zero when either torque or speed is zero.

  • Uses linear interpolation to determine losses. Provide tabulated data at low speed and low torque values, as required, to get the desired level of accuracy for lower power conditions.

  • Does not extrapolate loss values for speed, torque, or temperature magnitudes that exceed the range of the table.

Tabulated efficiency data with temperature and voltage

Efficiency calibration lookup table that is a function of load torque, motor speed, voltage, and operating temperature.

To directly import your own 4-D efficiency calibration table, click Import Efficiency Calibration. The block:

  • Converts the efficiency values you provide into losses and uses the tabulated losses for simulation.

  • Ignores efficiency values you provide for zero speed or zero torque. Losses are assumed zero when either torque or speed is zero.

  • Uses linear interpolation to determine losses. Provide tabulated data for low speed and low torque values, as required, to get the desired level of accuracy for lower power conditions.

  • Does not extrapolate loss values for speed, torque, temperature, or voltage magnitudes that exceed the range of the table.

As a best practice, use Tabulated loss data, Tabulated loss data with temperature, or Tabulated loss data with temperature and voltage instead of Tabulated efficiency data, Tabulated efficiency data with temperature, or Tabulated efficiency data with temperature and voltage:

  • Efficiency becomes ill-defined for zero speed or zero torque.

  • You can account for fixed losses that are still present for zero speed or torque.


Due to losses, the motor drive system can draw a current when the motor torque is zero.

At the efficiency setpoint, the motor torque is τ0 and motor speed is ω0. The efficiency measured in this condition is η0.

The block defines overall efficiency percentage during operation as:


The equation uses these variables.


Motor torque


Motor speed


Fixed losses independent of torque or speed, measured as the base loss at zero motor torque and speed


Torque-dependent electrical losses


Speed-dependent iron losses, PIron = kwω2

At initialization, the block sets the value for kw from the iron-loss equation, using the iron losses measured at the efficiency setpoint torque τ0 and speed ω0:


The block then sets the value for k from the efficiency equation, using the value for efficiency η0 measured at the efficiency setpoint:


The block neglects losses associated with rotor damping.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select Single efficiency measurement.

Motor speed ω0 at the efficiency setpoint, in rad/s.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select Single efficiency measurement.

Torque τ0 at the efficiency setpoint, in N·m.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select Single efficiency measurement.

Iron losses PIron,0 at the efficiency setpoint, in W.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select Single efficiency measurement.

Constant component P0 of power loss associated with the motor drive, evaluated at zero torque and speed, in W.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select Single efficiency measurement.

Speed breakpoints for loss lookup table, in rad/s. Array dimensions are 1 by the number of speed breakpoints M.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select one of these options:

  • Tabulated loss data

  • Tabulated loss data with temperature

  • Tabulated loss data with temperature and voltage

  • Tabulated efficiency data

  • Tabulated efficiency data with temperature

  • Tabulated efficiency data with temperature and voltage

Torque breakpoints for loss lookup table, in N·m. Array dimensions are 1 by the number of torque breakpoints N.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select one of these options:

  • Tabulated loss data

  • Tabulated loss data with temperature

  • Tabulated loss data with temperature and voltage

  • Tabulated efficiency data

  • Tabulated efficiency data with temperature

  • Tabulated efficiency data with temperature and voltage

Temperature breakpoints for loss lookup table, in K. Array dimensions are 1 by the number of temperature breakpoints L.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select one of these options:

  • Tabulated loss data with temperature

  • Tabulated loss data with temperature and voltage

  • Tabulated efficiency data with temperature

  • Tabulated efficiency data with temperature and voltage

Voltage breakpoints for loss lookup table, in volts. Array dimensions are 1 by the number of voltage breakpoints K.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select one of these options:

  • Tabulated loss data with temperature and voltage

  • Tabulated efficiency data with temperature and voltage

Array of values for electrical losses as a function of speed and torque, in W. Each value specifies the losses for a specific combination of speed and torque. The array dimensions must match the breakpoint vector dimensions for speed M and torque N.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select Tabulated loss data.

Array of values for electrical losses as a function of speed, torque, and temperature, in W. Each value specifies the losses for a specific combination of speed, torque, and temperature. The array dimensions must match the breakpoint vector dimensions for speed M, torque N, and temperature L.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select Tabulated loss data with temperature.

Array of values for electrical losses as a function of speed, torque, temperature, and voltage, in W. Each value specifies the losses for a specific combination of speed, torque, temperature, and voltage. The array dimensions must match the breakpoint vector dimensions for torque N, speed M, voltage K, and temperature L.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select Tabulated loss data with temperature and voltage.

Array of efficiency as a function of speed and torque, in percent. Each value specifies the losses for a specific combination of speed and torque. The array dimensions must match the breakpoint vector dimensions for speed M, and torque N.

The block ignores efficiency values for zero speed or zero torque. Losses are zero when either torque or speed is zero. The block uses linear interpolation.

To get the desired level of accuracy for lower power conditions, you can provide tabulated data for low speed and low torque values.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select Tabulated efficiency data.

Array of efficiency as a function of speed, torque, and temperature, in percent. Each value specifies the losses for a specific combination of speed, torque, and temperature. The array dimensions must match the breakpoint vector dimensions for speed M, torque N, and temperature L.

The block ignores efficiency values for zero speed or zero torque. Losses are zero when either torque or speed is zero. The block uses linear interpolation.

To get the desired level of accuracy for lower power conditions, you can provide tabulated data for low speed and low torque values.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select Tabulated efficiency data with temperature.

Array of efficiency as a function of speed, torque, temperature, and voltage, in percent. Each value specifies the losses for a specific combination of speed, torque, temperature, and voltage. The array dimensions must match the breakpoint vector dimensions for torque N, speed M, voltage K, and temperature L.

The block ignores efficiency values for zero speed or zero torque. Losses are zero when either torque or speed is zero. The block uses linear interpolation.

To get the desired level of accuracy for lower power conditions, you can provide tabulated data for low speed and low torque values.


To create this parameter, for Parameterize losses by, select Tabulated efficiency data with temperature and voltage.


Rotor resistance to change in angular velocity, in kg·m2. You can set the value to zero.


To create this parameter, set Port configuration to Torque.

Rotor damping, in N·m/(rad/s). You can set the value to zero.


To create this parameter, set Port configuration to Torque.

Rotor speed at the start of the simulation, in rad/s.


To create this parameter, set Port configuration to Torque.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

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