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Train an OCR Model to Recognize Seven-Segment Digits

This example shows how to train an OCR model to recognize seven-segment digits, use quantization to improve runtime performance, and evaluate text recognition accuracy. The Computer Vision Toolbox™ provides several pretrained OCR models, including one for seven-segment digits. Training an OCR model is necessary when a pretrained model is not effective for your application. This example demonstrates the general procedure for training an OCR model using the YUVA EB dataset [1].

Load Data

This example uses 119 images from the YUVA EB dataset. The dataset contains images of energy meter displays with seven-segment numerals. These images were captured under challenging text recognition conditions such as tilted positions, lens blur, and non-uniform lighting conditions. A small dataset is useful for exploring the OCR training procedure, but in practice, more labeled images are needed to train a robust OCR model.

Download and extract dataset.

datasetFiles = helperDownloadDataset;
Downloading evaluation data set ( - 96 MB)...

The images in the dataset were annotated with bounding boxes containing the seven-segment digits and text labels were added to these bounding boxes as an attribute using the Get Started with the Image Labeler. To learn more about labeling images for OCR training, see Train Custom OCR Model. The labels were exported from the app as groundTruth object and saved in 7SegmentGtruth.mat file.

Load the ground truth to be used for training and evaluation.

ld = load("7SegmentGtruth.mat");
gTruth = ld.gTruth;

Create datastores that contain images, bounding boxes and text labels from the groundTruth object using the ocrTrainingData function with the label and attribute names used during labeling.

labelName = "Text";
attributeName = "Digits";
[imds,boxds,txtds] = ocrTrainingData(gTruth,labelName,attributeName);

Display few samples from the ground truth data.

helperDisplayGroundtruthData(imds, boxds, txtds)

Figure contains 4 axes objects. Hidden axes object 1 contains an object of type image. Hidden axes object 2 contains an object of type image. Hidden axes object 3 contains an object of type image. Hidden axes object 4 contains an object of type image.

Analyze Ground Truth Data

Analyze Ground Truth Character Set

Analyze the ground truth text to verify that all characters of interest for training have observation samples in the ground truth data. To verify this, find the character set of the ground truth data.

Read all ground truth text corresponding to each image and combine the text in each image.

allImagesText = txtds.readall;
allText = strjoin(vertcat(allImagesText{:}), "");

Find the unique set of characters in the ground truth text.

[characterSet, ~, idx] = unique(char(allText));

Display the ground truth character set.

disp("Ground truth Character Set: " + string(characterSet))
Ground truth Character Set: .0123456789

The ground truth data contains images of the 10 digits from 0-9 and the period symbol in the seven-segment font.

Analyze Dataset Class Distribution

In addition to verifying the ground truth character set, it is important to ensure that all characters have equal representation in the dataset.

Count the occurences of each of these characters in the ground truth data.

characterSet = cellstr(characterSet');
characterCount = accumarray(idx,1);

Tabulate the character count and sort the count in descending order.

characterCountTbl = table(characterSet, characterCount, ...
    VariableNames=["Character", "Count"]);
characterCountTbl = sortrows(characterCountTbl, ...
    "Count", "descend")
characterCountTbl=11×2 table
    Character    Count
    _________    _____

      {'0'}       170 
      {'.'}       120 
      {'1'}        98 
      {'3'}        91 
      {'2'}        84 
      {'4'}        78 
      {'5'}        61 
      {'9'}        56 
      {'8'}        55 
      {'7'}        43 
      {'6'}        40 

Visualize the character count with a bar graph.

numCharacters = numel(characterSet);

bar(1:numCharacters, characterCountTbl.Count)
ylabel("Number of samples")

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Digits, ylabel Number of samples contains an object of type bar.

The characters '0' and '.' have the maximum number of occurences and the characters '7' and '6' have the least number of occurences. In text recognition applications, it is common to have such imbalance in the number of character samples as not all characters occur frequently in paragraphs of text.

Dataset imbalance may result in an OCR model that performs poorly on underrepresented characters. You can balance the dataset by oversampling the least occurring characters if such behavior exists in the trained OCR model.

Prepare Data for Training

Combine the datastores extracted from gTruth using ocrTrainingData.

cds = combine(imds,boxds,txtds);

Use 60% of the dataset for training and split the rest of the data evenly for validation and testing. The following code randomly splits the data into training, validation and test.

trainPercent = 60;
[cdsTrain, cdsVal, cdsTest, numTrain, numVal, numTest] = helperPartitionOCRData(cds, trainPercent);

The 60/20/20 split results in the following number of training, validation and test images:

disp("Number of training images = " + numTrain)
Number of training images = 71
disp("Number of validation images = " + numVal)
Number of validation images = 24
disp("Number of test images = " + numTest)
Number of test images = 24

Train OCR Model

Create a directory to save the trained OCR model.

outputDir = "OCRModel";
if ~exist(outputDir, "dir")

Create a directory to save checkpoints.

checkpointsDir = "Checkpoints";
if ~exist(checkpointsDir, "dir")

Use ocrTrainingOptions function to specify the following training options for OCR Training. Empirical analysis is required to determine the optimal training options values.

  • ocrTrainingOptions uses ADAM solver by default. Set the gradient decay factor for ADAM optimization to 0.9.

  • Use an initial learning rate of 20e-4.

  • Set the maximum number of epochs for training to 15.

  • Set the verbose frequency to 100 iterations.

  • Specify the output directory.

  • Specify the checkpoint path to enable saving checkpoints.

  • Specify validation data to enable validation step during training.

  • Set the validation frequency to 10 iterations.

ocrOptions = ocrTrainingOptions(GradientDecayFactor=0.9,...

Train a new OCR model by fine-tuning the pretrained "english" model. The training will take about 8-9 minutes.

trainedModelName = "sevenSegmentModel";
baseModel = "english";
[trainedModel, trainingInfo] = trainOCR(cdsTrain, trainedModelName, baseModel, ocrOptions);
Starting OCR training

Model Name: sevenSegmentModel
Base Model: english

Preparing training data... 100.00 % completed.
Preparing validation data... 100.00 % completed.

Character Set: .0123456789

| Epoch | Iteration | Time Elapsed |           Training Statistics           |          Validation Statistics          | Base Learning |
|       |           |  (hh:mm:ss)  |   RMSE   | Character Error | Word Error |   RMSE   | Character Error | Word Error |     Rate      |
|   1   |     1     |   00:00:19   |  18.73   |     100.00      |   100.00   |   0.00   |      0.00       |    0.00    |    0.0020     |
|   1   |    100    |   00:00:28   |   8.94   |      39.21      |   67.00    |   5.17   |      21.26      |   42.86    |    0.0020     |
|   2   |    200    |   00:00:37   |   6.12   |      22.99      |   43.50    |   3.64   |      15.90      |   33.33    |    0.0020     |
|   3   |    300    |   00:00:45   |   4.72   |      16.14      |   32.67    |   4.05   |      17.97      |   33.33    |    0.0020     |
|   4   |    400    |   00:00:53   |   3.90   |      12.67      |   27.00    |   2.55   |      12.15      |   19.05    |    0.0020     |
|   5   |    500    |   00:01:02   |   3.34   |      10.43      |   23.20    |   3.33   |      17.59      |   30.95    |    0.0020     |
|   6   |    600    |   00:01:10   |   2.94   |      8.80       |   19.83    |   3.24   |      13.34      |   28.57    |    0.0020     |
|   7   |    700    |   00:01:17   |   2.64   |      7.63       |   17.43    |   3.15   |      17.14      |   28.57    |    0.0020     |
|   8   |    800    |   00:01:25   |   2.44   |      6.87       |   15.88    |   2.82   |      15.42      |   23.81    |    0.0020     |
|   9   |    900    |   00:01:32   |   2.25   |      6.12       |   14.22    |   2.78   |      16.55      |   23.81    |    0.0020     |
|  10   |   1000    |   00:01:40   |   2.08   |      5.53       |   12.90    |   2.68   |      14.85      |   26.19    |    0.0020     |
|  11   |   1100    |   00:01:49   |   1.24   |      1.62       |    6.30    |   2.70   |      14.19      |   19.05    |    0.0020     |
|  12   |   1200    |   00:01:56   |   0.97   |      0.95       |    4.30    |   2.73   |      14.53      |   23.81    |    0.0020     |
|  13   |   1300    |   00:02:03   |   0.82   |      0.70       |    3.20    |   2.85   |      14.43      |   21.43    |    0.0020     |
|  13   |   1400    |   00:02:10   |   0.71   |      0.48       |    2.20    |   2.78   |      14.92      |   23.81    |    0.0020     |
|  14   |   1500    |   00:02:17   |   0.65   |      0.33       |    1.40    |   2.70   |      14.58      |   21.43    |    0.0020     |
|  15   |   1600    |   00:02:25   |   0.61   |      0.29       |    1.30    |   3.09   |      13.99      |   26.19    |    0.0020     |
|  15   |   1620    |   00:02:27   |   0.61   |      0.29       |    1.30    |   2.52   |      8.33       |    9.52    |    0.0020     |

OCR training complete.
Exit condition: Reached maximum epochs.

Model file name: OCRModel\sevenSegmentModel.traineddata

Plot training and validation RMSE curves to understand the training progress.

plot(trainingInfo.TrainingRMSE); hold on;
legend(["Training", "Validation"])
title("Training vs Validation RMSE Curve")

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Training vs Validation RMSE Curve, xlabel Iterations, ylabel RMSE contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Training, Validation.

The maximum number of epochs for training is set to 15 to reduce the time it takes to run the example. Increasing the MaxEpochs can help improve the accuracy at the cost of training time.

Evaluate Trained Model Using Test Set

Run the trained OCR model on the test dataset and evaluate recognition accuracy using evaluateOCR.

trainedModelResults = ocr(cdsTest,Model=trainedModel);
trainedModelMetrics = evaluateOCR(trainedModelResults,cdsTest);
Evaluating ocr results
* Selected metrics: character error rate, word error rate.
* Processed 24 images.
* Finalizing... Done.
* Data set metrics:

    CharacterErrorRate    WordErrorRate
    __________________    _____________

          0.1059             0.29167   

Display test accuracy of the trained model.

trainedModelAccuracy = 100*(1-trainedModelMetrics.DataSetMetrics.CharacterErrorRate);
disp("Test accuracy of the trained model= " + trainedModelAccuracy + "%")
Test accuracy of the trained model= 89.4097%

Recognize Seven-Segment Digits

Use the trained model to perform OCR on a test image and visualize the results.

I = imread("sevSegDisp.jpg");
roi = [506 725 1418 626];
ocrResults = ocr(I,roi,Model=trainedModel,LayoutAnalysis="Block");
Iocr = insertObjectAnnotation(I,"rectangle",...
            ocrResults.WordBoundingBoxes, ...
            ocrResults.Words, LineWidth=5,FontSize=72);

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Quantize OCR Model

Optionally, you can quantize the trained model to speed-up performance and reduce storage size on disk at the expense of accuracy. This can be useful when deploying an OCR model in resource constrained systems.

Use the quantizeOCR function to quantize the trained model.

quantizedModelName = "quantizedModel";
quantizedModel = quantizeOCR(trainedModel,quantizedModelName);

Compare the runtime performance of the quantized model against the trained model.

fOCR = @() ocr(I, Model=trainedModel);
tOCR = timeit(fOCR);
fQuantizedOCR = @() ocr(I, Model=quantizedModel);
tQuantizedOCR = timeit(fQuantizedOCR);

perfRatio = tOCR/tQuantizedOCR;
disp("Quantized model is " + perfRatio + "x faster");
Quantized model is 1.2486x faster

Compare the file size of the quantized model with that of the trained model.

trainedModelFile         = dir(trainedModel);
trainedModelFileSizeInMB = trainedModelFile.bytes/1000000;

quantizedModelFile         = dir(quantizedModel);
quantizedModelFileSizeInMB = quantizedModelFile.bytes/1000000;

sizeRatio = trainedModelFileSizeInMB/quantizedModelFileSizeInMB;
disp("Quantized model is " + sizeRatio + "x smaller");
Quantized model is 7.8516x smaller

Compare the accuracy of the quantized model with that of the trained model.

quantizedModelResults = ocr(cdsTest,Model=quantizedModel);
quantizedModelMetrics = evaluateOCR(quantizedModelResults,cdsTest);
Evaluating ocr results
* Selected metrics: character error rate, word error rate.
* Processed 24 images.
* Finalizing... Done.
* Data set metrics:

    CharacterErrorRate    WordErrorRate
    __________________    _____________

         0.16629             0.40278   
quantizedModelAccuracy = 100*(1-quantizedModelMetrics.DataSetMetrics.CharacterErrorRate);
disp("Test accuracy of the quantized model = " + quantizedModelAccuracy + "%")
Test accuracy of the quantized model = 83.3705%
dropInAccuracy = trainedModelAccuracy - quantizedModelAccuracy;
disp("Drop in accuracy after quantization = " + dropInAccuracy + "%")
Drop in accuracy after quantization = 6.0392%

Tabulate the quantitative results of the quantization and re-evaluation.

trainedModelResults = [trainedModelAccuracy; trainedModelFileSizeInMB; tOCR];
quantizedModelResults = [quantizedModelAccuracy; quantizedModelFileSizeInMB; tQuantizedOCR];

table(trainedModelResults, quantizedModelResults, ...
    VariableNames=[trainedModelName, quantizedModelName], ...
    RowNames=["Accuracy (in %)", "File Size (in MB)", "Runtime (in seconds)"])
ans=3×2 table
                            sevenSegmentModel    quantizedModel
                            _________________    ______________

    Accuracy (in %)                89.41             83.371    
    File Size (in MB)             11.292             1.4382    
    Runtime (in seconds)         0.14391            0.11526    


This example showed how to use OCR ground truth data annotated in the Image Labeler app for training and evaluating an OCR model. It also demonstrated how to quantize an OCR model and advantages of such quantization.

Supporting functions

helperDownloadDataset function

The helperDownloadDataset function downloads the YUVA EB dataset as and unzips the folder in the present working directory.

function datasetFiles = helperDownloadDataset()

    datasetURL = "";
    datasetZip = "";
    if ~exist(datasetZip,"file")
        disp("Downloading evaluation data set (" + datasetZip + " - 96 MB)...");
    datasetFiles = unzip(datasetZip);

helperDisplayGroundtruthData function

The helperDisplayGroundtruthData displays first few samples from the ground truth data.

function helperDisplayGroundtruthData(imds, boxds, txtds)

    figure("Position", [10 10 900 600])
    for i = 1:4
        img = read(imds);
        bbox = read(boxds);
        label = read(txtds);
        img = insertObjectAnnotation(img,"rectangle",...
            bbox{1}, label{1}, LineWidth=15, FontSize=72, TextBoxOpacity=0.9);


helperPartitionOCRData function

The helperPartitionOCRData function partitions OCR data into training, validation and test sets. It selects the training samples based on the specified trainPercent and splits the rest of the samples evently between validation and test sets.

function [cdsTrain, cdsVal, cdsTest, numTrain, numVal, numTest] = helperPartitionOCRData(cds, trainPercent)

    % Set initial random state for example reproducibility.
    % Shuffle the sample order in the dataset.
    imds = cds.UnderlyingDatastores{1};
    numSamples = numel(imds.Files);
    shuffledIndices = randperm(numSamples);
    % Use trainPercent of samples for training.
    trainRatio = trainPercent/100;
    numTrain = round(trainRatio*numSamples);
    trainIndices = shuffledIndices(1:numTrain);
    cdsTrain = subset(cds, trainIndices);
    % Split the rest of the samples evenly for validation and testing.
    numRest = numSamples - numTrain;
    numVal = ceil(numRest/2);
    numTest = numRest - numVal;
    valIndices = shuffledIndices(numTrain+1:numTrain+numVal);
    testIndices = shuffledIndices(numTrain+numVal+1:end);
    cdsVal = subset(cds, valIndices);
    cdsTest = subset(cds, testIndices);


[1] Kanagarathinam, Karthick; Sekar, Kavaskar. “Data for: Text detection and Recognition in Raw Image Dataset of Seven Segment Digital Energy Meter Display.”, Mendeley Data, V1 (2019).