Get Started with Vehicle Network Toolbox
Vehicle Network Toolbox™ provides MATLAB® functions and Simulink® blocks for sending, receiving, encoding, and decoding CAN, CAN FD, J1939, and XCP messages. The toolbox lets you identify and parse specific signals using industry-standard CAN database files and then visualize the decoded signals using the CAN Explorer and CAN FD Explorer apps. Using A2L description files, you can connect to an ECU via XCP on CAN or Ethernet. You can access messages and measurement data stored in MDF files.
The toolbox simplifies communication with in-vehicle networks and lets you monitor, filter, and analyze live CAN bus data or log and record messages for later analysis and replay. You can simulate message traffic on a virtual CAN bus or connect to a live network or ECU. Vehicle Network Toolbox supports CAN interface devices from Vector, Kvaser, PEAK-System, and NI™.
- Vehicle Network Communication in MATLAB
Overview of the CAN communication workflow.
- Toolbox Characteristics and Capabilities
Describes the kinds of tasks Vehicle Network Toolbox can perform and the hardware it supports.
- CAN Communication Workflows in Simulink
Common CAN model workflows.