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xcp.A2L 属性

xcp.A2L 文件对象的属性

使用以下属性检查 xcp.A2L 文件对象设置。使用 xcpA2L 创建一个 A2L 文件对象。



FileName 属性将引用的 A2L 文件的名称显示为字符向量。

数据类型: char

FilePath 属性以字符向量形式显示 A2L 文件的完整文件路径(包括 A2L 文件名)。

数据类型: char

ServerName 属性以字符向量形式显示在 A2L 文件中指定的服务器节点的名称。

数据类型: char

存储 A2L 文件解析器引发的警告。

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
ans = 

  0×0 empty string array

数据类型: string


a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
ans =

  1×6 cell array

    {'Key T'}    {'10 ms'}    {'100ms'}    {'1ms'}    {'FilterBypassDaq'}    {'FilterBypassSt'}

数据类型: cell

事件信息,以 xcp.Event 对象的数组形式返回。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
ei = a2lfile.EventInfo(1)
ei = 

  Event with properties:

                         Name: 'Key T'
                    Direction: 'DAQ'
                   MaxDAQList: 255
                ChannelNumber: 0
             ChannelTimeCycle: 0
              ChannelTimeUnit: 6
              ChannelPriority: 0
    ChannelTimeCycleInSeconds: 0

数据类型: xcp.Event


a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
ans =

  1×6 cell array

    {'FW1'}    {'KL1Output'}    {'MaxChannel1'}    {'MinChannel1'}    {'PWM'}    {'PWMFiltered'}

数据类型: cell

测量变量信息,以 Map 对象形式返回。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
mi = a2lfile.MeasurementInfo
mi = 

  Map with properties:

        Count: 45
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

数据类型: containers.Map


a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
ans =

  1×6 cell array

    {'a0'}    {'b0'}    {'c0'}    {'map1'}    {'map1Counter'}    {'map4_80_uc'}

数据类型: cell

特征变量信息,以 Map 对象形式返回。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
ci = a2lfile.CharacteristicInfo
ci = 

  Map with properties:

        Count: 16
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

数据类型: containers.Map

轴信息,以 Map 对象形式返回。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
ai = a2lfile.AxisInfo
ai = 

  Map with properties:

        Count: 1
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

数据类型: containers.Map

特征变量对象的容器,以 containers.Map 对象形式返回。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
rl = a2lfile.RecordLayouts
rl = 

  Map with properties:

        Count: 41
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

数据类型: containers.Map

计算方法对象的容器,以 containers.Map 对象形式返回。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
cm = a2lfile.CompuMethods
cm = 

  Map with properties:

        Count: 16
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

数据类型: containers.Map

用于 interp 的 ComputationTAB(转换表)方法对象的容器,以 containers.Map 对象形式返回。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
ct = a2lfile.CompuTabs
ct = 

  Map with properties:

        Count: 0
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

数据类型: containers.Map

用于 enum 的 ComputationVTAB(动词转换表)方法对象的容器,以 containers.Map 对象形式返回。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
cvt = a2lfile.CompuVTabs
cvt = 

  Map with properties:

        Count: 2
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

数据类型: containers.Map

ProtocolLayerInfo 属性显示一个 xcp.ProtocolLayerInfo 对象,其中包含有关 A2L 文件中定义的服务器的 XCP 协议实现的常规信息。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
pli = a2lfile.ProtocolLayerInfo
pli = 

  ProtocolLayerInfo with properties:

    AddressGranularity: 'ADDRESS_GRANULARITY_BYTE'
             ByteOrder: 'BYTE_ORDER_MSB_LAST'
                MaxCTO: 8
                MaxDTO: 8
                    T1: 1000
                    T2: 200
                    T3: 0
                    T4: 0
                    T5: 0
                    T6: 0
                    T7: 0

数据类型: xcp.ProtocolLayerInfo

DAQ 相关信息,以 DAQInfo 对象形式返回。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
di = a2lfile.DAQInfo
di = 

  DAQInfo with properties:

              AddressExtension: 'ADDRESS_EXTENSION_FREE'
                    ConfigType: 'DYNAMIC'
       IdentificationFieldType: 'IDENTIFICATION_FIELD_TYPE_ABSOLUTE'
                        MaxDAQ: 0
              MaxEventChannels: 6
            MaxODTEntrySizeDAQ: 7
                        MinDAQ: 0
              OptimizationType: 'OPTIMISATION_TYPE_DEFAULT'
            OverloadIndication: 'OVERLOAD_INDICATION_PID'
                          STIM: [1×1 struct]
            PrescalerSupported: 'PRESCALER_SUPPORTED'
               ResumeSupported: 'RESUME_NOT_SUPPORTED'
                     Timestamp: [1×1 struct]

数据类型: xcp.DAQInfo

CAN 特定传输层信息,以 XCPonCAN 对象形式返回。例如,

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
tlci = a2lfile.TransportLayerCANInfo
tlci = 

  XCPonCAN with properties:
           CommonParameters: [1×1 xcp.a2l.CommonParameters]
     TransportLayerInstance: ''
             CANIDBroadcast: []
                CANIDClient: 1
      CANIDClientIsExtended: 0
                CANIDServer: 2
      CANIDServerIsExtended: 0
                   BaudRate: 500000
                SamplePoint: 62
                 SampleRate: SINGLE
                  BTLCycles: 8
                        SJW: 1
                   SyncEdge: SINGLE
             MaxDLCRequired: []
                 MaxBusLoad: []
    MeasurementSplitAllowed: []
                      CANFD: [1×0 xcp.a2l.CANFD]
           OptionalTLSubCmd: [0×0 xcp.a2l.OptionalCANTLSubCmd]

数据类型: xcp.XCPonCAN

UDP 传输层信息,以 XCPonIP 对象形式返回。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
tlui = a2lfile.TransportLayerUDPInfo
tlui = 

  XCPonIP with properties:
          CommonParameters: [1×1 xcp.a2l.CommonParameters]
    TransportLayerInstance: ''
                      Port: 5555
                   Address: 2.1307e+09
             AddressString: ''

数据类型: xcp.XCPonIP

TCP 传输层信息,以 XCPonIP 对象形式返回。

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');
tlti = a2lfile.TransportLayerTCPInfo
tlti = 

  0×0 XCPonIP array with properties:


数据类型: xcp.XCPonIP


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