Construct Perfect Reconstruction Biorthogonal Filter Bank
This example shows how to take an expression of a biorthogonal filter pair and construct lowpass and highpass filters to produce a perfect reconstruction (PR) biorthogonal wavelet filter bank.
The LeGall 5/3 filter is the wavelet used in JPEG2000 for lossless image compression. The lowpass (scaling) filters for the LeGall 5/3 wavelet have five and three nonzero coefficients respectively. The expressions for these two filters are:
Create these filters.
H0 = 1/8*[-1 2 6 2 -1]; H1 = 1/2*[1 2 1];
Many of the discrete wavelet and wavelet packet transforms in Wavelet Toolbox™ rely on the filters being both even-length and equal in length in order to produce the perfect reconstruction filter bank associated with these transforms. These transforms also require a specific normalization of the coefficients in the filters for the algorithms to produce a PR filter bank. Use the biorfilt
function on the lowpass prototype functions to produce the PR wavelet filter bank.
[LoD,HiD,LoR,HiR] = biorfilt(H0,H1);
Use the isbiorthwfb
function to confirm the four filters jointly satisfy the necessary and sufficient conditions to be a two-channel biorthogonal PR wavelet filter bank.
[tf,checks] = isbiorthwfb(LoR,LoD,HiR,HiD)
tf = logical
checks=7×3 table
Pass-Fail Maximum Error Test Tolerance
_________ _____________ ______________
Dual filter lengths correct pass 0 0
Filter sums pass 2.7756e-17 1.4901e-08
Zero lag lowpass dual filter cross-correlation pass 2.2204e-16 1.4901e-08
Zero lag highpass dual filter cross-correlation pass 2.2204e-16 1.4901e-08
Even lag lowpass dual filter cross-correlation pass 0 1.4901e-08
Even lag highpass dual filter cross-correlation pass 0 1.4901e-08
Even lag lowpass-highpass cross-correlation pass 1.3878e-17 1.4901e-08
Now you can use these filters in discrete wavelet and wavelet packet transforms. To demonstrate perfect reconstruction, load and plot an ECG signal.
load wecg plot(wecg) axis tight grid on
Obtain the discrete wavelet packet transform of the ECG signal using the LeGall 5/3 filter set.
[wpt,L] = dwpt(wecg,LoD,HiD);
Now use the reconstruction (synthesis) filters to reconstruct the signal and demonstrate perfect reconstruction.
xrec = idwpt(wpt,L,LoR,HiR); plot([wecg xrec]) axis tight grid on
ans = 3.3307e-15
You can also use this filter bank in the 1-D and 2-D discrete wavelet transforms. Read and plot an image.
im = imread('woodsculp256.jpg'); image(im) axis off
Obtain the 2-D wavelet transform using the LeGall 5/3 analysis filters.
[C,S] = wavedec2(im,3,LoD,HiD);
Reconstruct the image using the synthesis filters.
imrec = waverec2(C,S,LoR,HiR);
Demonstrate perfect reconstruction.
ans = 7.2465e-11
The LeGall 5/3 filter is equivalent to the built-in bior2.2
wavelet in the toolbox. Confirm the LeGall 5/3 filters are equal to the filters associated with the bior2.2
[LD,HD,LR,HR] = wfilters("bior2.2"); tiledlayout(2,2) nexttile hl = stem([LD' LoD']); hl(1).MarkerFaceColor = [0 0 1]; hl(1).Marker = "o"; hl(2).MarkerFaceColor = [1 0 0]; hl(2).Marker = "^"; grid on title("Lowpass Analysis") nexttile hl = stem([HD' HiD']); hl(1).MarkerFaceColor = [0 0 1]; hl(1).Marker = "o"; hl(2).MarkerFaceColor = [1 0 0]; hl(2).Marker = "^"; grid on title("Highpass Analysis") nexttile hl = stem([LR' LoR']); hl(1).MarkerFaceColor = [0 0 1]; hl(1).Marker = "o"; hl(2).MarkerFaceColor = [1 0 0]; hl(2).Marker = "^"; grid on title("Lowpass Synthesis") nexttile hl = stem([HR' HiR']); hl(1).MarkerFaceColor = [0 0 1]; hl(1).Marker = "o"; hl(2).MarkerFaceColor = [1 0 0]; hl(2).Marker = "^"; grid on title("Highpass Synthesis")