how to change from for loop to while loop

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
hi can any one tell me how to change this loop to while loop
% Modify the simulation code to include analysis of multiple errors, that
% cannot be decoded by the specified code. Find how many error words cannot
% be corrected.
ueCount = 0 ;
UncorrectableErrorwords = 0 ;
for i = 1:length(Errors)
if(sum(Errors(:,i)) > tcor)
ueCount = ueCount + 1;
it tried do it but i dont know where is the problem
ueCount = 0 ;
UncorrectableErrorwords = 0 ;
i = 1;
while i<=length(Errors)
if(sum(Errors(:,i)) > tcor)
ueCount = ueCount + 1;

回答(1 个)

James Tursa
James Tursa 2021-10-17
编辑:James Tursa 2021-10-17
You never change i or Errors within the while loop, so how is the loop ever supposed to exit? Maybe you want to add this line:
i = i + 1;
That being said, it is not clear to me why you are changing from a for loop to a while loop.


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