how to craet the same function but without loop

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
hi can anyone tell me how i can change this uction to not loop with same result
function Xne = decode( H, Zn0, nIter, verbose )
[ M, N ] = size( H ) ;
ZMN = zeros( M, N ) ;
LMN = zeros( M, N ) ;
for m = 1 : M
ZMN(m,:) = Zn0(:); %must be same like this but without using any loops

回答(1 个)

Voss 2021-12-4
Here is one way:
function Xne = decode( H, Zn0, nIter, verbose )
[ M, N ] = size( H ) ;
LMN = zeros( M, N ) ;
ZMN = repmat(Zn0(:).',M,1);


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