Simulink Stateflow execution of commands without prefixes

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
In a stateflow chart state such as the one above, where there is an algebraic command without an 'en:' , 'ex:' or 'du:' what will the state do.
The example above has the command Tmr = Tmr + 1 without a prefix. Say the exit state relies on Tmr being greater than 5, and it enters the state at 0. Will the Tmr execute only on entry, such as with 'en:' prefix, or will it function like 'du:'.
I also have a follow up question of if it does execute like the prefix 'du:' would imply. What determines the time between each execution?

回答(1 个)

Dallas Perkins
Dallas Perkins 2023-10-13
Hi Joshua,
These will be treated as a combined entry/during action:
You can specify the rate for the chart in Modeling -> Chart Properties or it will try to inherit its rate from the solver settings or connected blocks/signals.


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