Unfortunately, the XAxisLocation and YAxisLocation properties only work for 2D axes.
Which means your only option is to draw those lines manually.
If you are OK with no ticks or tick labels, there are a few options you can consider, but my favorite is probably fplot3.
ax = axes;
xl = fplot3(ax,@(t) t, @(t) zeros(size(t)), @(t) zeros(size(t)),'SeriesIndex','none');
yl = fplot3(ax,@(t) zeros(size(t)), @(t) t, @(t) zeros(size(t)),'SeriesIndex','none');
zl = fplot3(ax,@(t) zeros(size(t)), @(t) zeros(size(t)), @(t) t,'SeriesIndex','none');
ax.XAxis.Visible = 'off';
ax.YAxis.Visible = 'off';
ax.ZAxis.Visible = 'off';