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how to solve the differential equation in MATLAB

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
u˙ 1 = x2u2,
u˙ 2 = x2u1.
(u1)^2+ (u2)^2 1 = 0.
  4 个评论
Star Strider
Star Strider 2015-11-21
Now I am even more confused. Are u1 and u2 functions of x2?
Is this correct for the first equation:
du1(x2)/dx2 = x2*u2(x2)
Please be as precise and as detailed as you need to be to describe the problem you want to solve. We here on MATLAB Answers are quite good at solving problems with MATLAB programming, but we are hopeless failures at mind-reading.
snehith paduchuri
snehith paduchuri 2015-11-22
d(u1(x2))/dx2 = x2*u2(x2)
d (u2(x2))/dx2 = x2*u1(x2)
(u1)^2+ (u2)^2 − 1 = 0.

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