Non-Pareto optimal points plotted when using multiobjective optimisation and gaplotpareto

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I'm trying to plot a Pareto curve in a multiobjective optimisation (using gaplotpareto) but the resultant curve has some plot points that are non-pareto optimal (see image). Is this a bug or why are non-Pareto optimal plot points included?
The only options I'm setting are the plot options and the only constraints are lower and upper bounds for the solution variables.
opts = gaoptimset('PlotFcns',{@gaplotpareto,@gaplotscorediversity});
[optimal_sol, optimal_fitness, exitFlag, Output] = gamultiobj(fitnessFun, num_vars,[],[],[],[], lower_bounds, upper_bounds, opts);
  4 个评论
Rakesh Kumar
Rakesh Kumar 2016-2-22
If there were non-linear constraints, the solver may accept some dominated points if they are feasible. However, in your case, the entire population should be feasible so this is a bug. I have not seen this before so I have to look at the function or at least the bounds to be able to debug this. Can you send this info to my email?
Thanks, Rakesh
ss rr
ss rr 2016-2-22
编辑:ss rr 2016-2-22
Yes, if it should only plot the Pareto optimal points then it must be a bug since no matter what the fitness function is, dominated solutions should never make it into the Pareto front set. I'll see if I can recreate it myself first, the curve was generated after several hours leaving it running. I'm running it again now, looks okay so far...


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