- Initialize Your Time-Series Data: Load or define your 24-hour time-series profile.
- Define the Constant: Set the constant value you want to compare against.
- Perform the Comparison: Compare each value in the time-series profile with the constant.
- Generate the New Signal: Create a new signal based on the result of the comparison.
- Time-Series Profile: In this example, a random time-series profile is generated with values between 0 and 100. You should replace this with your actual data.
- Constant Value: The constant value for comparison is set to 50. Adjust this to your desired threshold.
- Comparison Logic: The script compares each value in the timeSeriesProfile with the constantValue. If a value is greater than the constant, the corresponding position in newTimeSeriesSignal is set to 1; otherwise, it is set to 0.
- Output: The script displays both the original and new time-series signals.