computes days of the week

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
lowcalorie 2012-2-22
I need help writting a script that computes the days of the week for years 2010,2011, and 2012 i need the input to be of xx/xx/xxxx.
and the output to be say something like
"xx/xx/xxxx is the 243 day of the year and falls on a wednesday."
so far i only have:
n = input('Enther month, day and year in the form xx/xx/xxxx for 2012, 2011, or 2012: ')
im not sure how to go about doing the rest anyone have any suggestions?? please help! I need to use IF statements

回答(1 个)

Jonathan Sullivan
Jonathan Sullivan 2012-2-22
help weekday
doc weekday
  2 个评论
Jonathan Sullivan
Jonathan Sullivan 2012-2-22
lowcalorie 2012-2-22
How can i do this using if statements



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